by Elaine Magin Ethical ELA resonates with my own experiences as a teacher who often feels limited by what I’m able to teach in the classroom. Even though this blog is not focused on teaching English language arts in higher education, I am overwhelmed by …
Review of Nobody Nowhere The Extraordinary Autobiography of An Autistic by Donna Williams
As a teacher, I found myself stopping and wondering: Do I often only hear babbling where there is, in fact, poetry? How do my assumptions and expectations for student writing and communication block a student’s ability to communicate? Do my expectations work against my intentions?
Teacher-Friends: Diane & Sarah
Teaching can feel so lonely at times. Do you have a colleague who is your BFF, who pulls you out from under your desk to make you laugh, who hands you a tissue when you just need to cry, who just inspires you? Diane and Sarah taught together for over a decade, and through a series of email exchanges, they talked about stories, students, and the beauty of teacher-friends.