EBook: Words That Mend: The Transformative Power of Writing Poetry for Teachers, Students, and Community Wellbeing


Words That Mend: The Transformative Power of Writing Poetry for Teachers, Students, and Community Wellbeing  is a book written by teachers for teachers. It shows poetry as a powerful agent to support teachers, their students, and communities in uncovering all that poetry does for our hearts and minds.


A compelling look at writing poetry as a powerful transformative agent to support teachers, their students, and community. Words That Mend includes practical ways for teachers to engage in poetry writing providing prompts, instructions, and invitations for teachers to nurture their writing lives. The authors candidly share their personal stories of trauma, pain, and loss, as well as incredible stories from the classrooms and community events. These teachers warmth and love for teaching emphasize that processing traumatic or tragic events through poetry writing has become a step toward recovery and rediscovering hope at a time when the teaching profession most needs it.

Here is the Google Doc link so you can easily copy and paste poems to use in your classroom.

The paperback is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and anywhere books are sold.

Please ask your local book store and library to add this book to their collection.

1 review for EBook: Words That Mend: The Transformative Power of Writing Poetry for Teachers, Students, and Community Wellbeing

  1. Sarah J. Donovan, PhD (s/her)

    Praise for Words That Mend

    My time reading Words that Mend was not only worth it, it has multiplied my thinking about teachers as writers in profound ways. These chapters contain the lives and experiences of teachers—written like a colleague who pulls up a chair to sit beside you—and you lean in, listening with intensity and joy. What a gift this book is: it holds so much. Words that Mend is the invitation each of us needs to write in community. In celebration. In support. In discovery of what it means to bring poetry into the lives of all those we know. There is a particular generosity in this book: one of personal experiences, yes, but also the hesitations all writers feel to show their lives in writing. You will find beginnings here (even a notebook page of first thoughts) that will inspire you to write. You will find lesson plans already worn and weathered by use in classrooms. Do not turn from the gift of Words that Mend: you need it more than you might think you do.

    with gratitude,
    Penny Kittle, author Write Beside Them, Book Love, and Micro Mentor Texts

    In our anxious, fractured, post-pandemic world, the book Words That Mend offers pathways to hope and healing through poetry. Broken into eighteen dynamic chapters presented by teacher poets, each chapter offers a practical entry into poetry as a healing force. By opening their hearts and sharing their own poetry, each teacher poet reinforces the gossamer threads of our humanity. From self, to student, to the wider community, Words That Mend offers the possibility of kinship and connection that has the power to transform the world. ~Ann Burg, poet and author of Force of Nature, Flooded, Unbound, Serafina’s Promise, and All the Broken Pieces

    As I read through Words That Mend—a book about writing poetry in community like no other in its purpose and scope–the 2024 election season was heating up. True to how that season has recently been unfolding, words were launched as weapons meant to wound and only wound. This book arrived as a salve, covering me whole cloth in poetry. Written by teachers for teachers, with exemplar poems from teachers and students, this collection will help us heal while we create that which can sustain us for years to come.
    ~Crag Hill, poet and Oklahoma Writing Project Site Director

    I will be recommending Words That Mend, to all my English teacher friends. I was energized by each chapter, authored by a different teacher, who courageously shared her vulnerabilities by participating in the poetry writing process. I am motivated to guide more poetry lessons with my students.Thanks to Words That Mend, I have lots of practical lessons at my fingertips.
    ~Sally Donnelly, NBCT, Middle School Reading Coach, Arlington Public School, VA

    This is the beauty our classrooms need—real, raw, and refreshing, like life itself. This book celebrates the incredible healing power of words, revealing profound truths and breathing life into those who embrace poetry. Its impact is far-reaching, touching hearts and minds, and highlighting the essential role of poetry in our lives.
    ~Tracy Hunt, Instructional Facilitator for ELA, Media Mid-Del Public Schools, Oklahoma

    Words That Mend is an emotion-evoking collection of works that blends together personal, meaningful teacher experiences grounded in reliable, research-based framework. It is brought to life through the inclusion of poetry by both teachers and students, along with detailed explanations of how the writing poetry activities can be replicated by other educators to build genuine relationships with their students and help supporting each other.
    ~Kristina Bankston, Hammond High Magnet School, LA,IBCP Service Learning & Reflective Project Coordinator

    Especially with poetry, many students ask, “Why do we need to know this?” Words That Mend provides concrete examples of poetry’s power in everyday living. From coming to terms with one’s deepest emotions to sharing life’s experiences with others, this book allows teachers to offer compelling, expedient answers to their students.
    ~Tina Smith Mckeen, Spanish Teacher & Foreign Language Department Head, Highland HS, Medina, Ohio

    Words That Mend is a hub and haven for English teachers who want to learn how to incorporate poetry writing into their classrooms and lives. Teachers can use this resource for instruction and inspiration as they envision and create classrooms where every student’s voice–and their own –is heard and healed.
    ~Jason Stephenson, poet and Program Manager of Secondary Education,
    Oklahoma State Department of Education

    Words That Mend is a beautiful book for English Language Arts teachers. I was touched by the vulnerability of all the authors as they shared how poetry has helped them and how they use poetry as SEL and for healing with their students. This is a great read for anyone wanting to bring more meaning to their poetry instruction and has the added benefit of helping the reader find some healing through writing, as well.
    ~Gallit Zvi, Principal at McKinney School in Richmond, British Columbia, and co-author of The Genius Hour Guidebook.

    Words that Mend is an invaluable resource for teachers who wish to provide meaningful and out-of-the-box learning experiences. The practical “Your Turn” sections allow teachers to gain tried-and-true insights, strategies, and activities that can be immediately implemented in their classroom. These not only encourage students to fall in love with creative writing, but the most magical byproduct is that every member of the class gets to know one another on deep and authentic levels.
    ~Kelly Koehler, Middle School Gifted ELA Teacher, North Ridgeville, Ohio

    Words that Mend offers important insight into specific methods and practices educators can employ to bring poetry into their communities, their classrooms, and their own lives. The educators here share their own experiences with writing poetry as a form of much-needed healing in a difficult world. This hands-on book will get not only students writing and appreciating poetry, but will instill a love of poetry in the adults guiding them as well.
    ~Kip Wilson, award-winning author of White Rose

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