Ebook: Garden of Voices // Growing Inspiration in Writing


Garden of Voices contains the writing of Oklahoma State University’s Secondary English education preservice teachers and writing workshop students who enrolled through the Randall and Carol White Reading and Math Center. These pieces emerged during an online semester-long literacy partnership focusing on genre-based, process-oriented writing.


Garden of Voices is a celebration of writers and all that writing does for our hearts and minds.

This anthology contains the writing of Oklahoma State University’s Secondary English education preservice teachers and writing workshop students who enrolled through the Randall and Carol White Reading and Math Center. These pieces emerged during an online semester-long literacy partnership focusing on genre-based, process-oriented writing.

Part I includes the genres that writing partners selected to workshop for this anthology. Part II includes writings the OSU education students did during their coursework. We hope this anthology serves as mentor texts for poetry, flash fiction, biographical narratives, and informational writing.

The OSU education students implemented various instructional strategies for nurturing writer agency such as exploring mentor texts, brainstorming and planning activities, drafting, conferring, and revising. The secondary students offered support to these future teachers while also engaging in informal conversations about growing up, balancing school and life, and what it means to be a writer.