Our Host

Kim Johnson lives in Georgia and serves as District Literacy Specialist for her school system. She is the author of Father, Forgive Me: Confessions of a Southern Baptist Preacher’s Kid and contributor to 2 poetry anthologies, Rhyme and Rhythm: Poems for Student Athletes and Bridge the Distance: An Oral History of Covid-19 in Poems.  Her blog address is www.kimhaynesjohnson.com


I enjoy unlocking the puzzles of smashed-together-word hashtags and considering their power to make a statement.  Like clever license plates and bumper stickers, hashtags can issue a call to action, proclaim characteristics, and identify members of a group.  Today, let’s use them to introduce ourselves as we begin our #VerseLove journey together this month. 


Write your name vertically down the left side of a page.  You can use your first name, nickname, or full name – your choice! 

Place a hashtag in front of each letter of your name.

Jot a list of your hobbies, your passions, and any other aspects that you might use to introduce yourself to someone getting to know you.  You can scroll through photos, Facebook posts, or past poems to help you think of some ideas. 

Finally, use the letters to make a hashtag acrostic to introduce yourself to your #VerseLove family! You can #smashyourwordstogether or #space them apart. 

We are your people.  We can’t wait to get to know you better as we write and grow together.  


Kim’s #HashtagAcrostic Created on Canva

Your Turn

Now, scroll to the comment section below to write your own poem. (This is a public space, so you may use only your first name or initials depending on your privacy preferences.) Not ready? That’s okay. Read the poems already posted for more inspiration. Ponder your own throughout the day. Return later. And, if the prompt does not work for you, that is fine. All writing is welcome. Just write something. Also, please be sure to respond to at least three writers. Oh, and a note about drafting: Since we are writing in short bursts, we all understand (and even welcome) the typos and partial poems that remind us we are human and that writing is always becoming. If you’d like to invite other teachers to write with us, tell them to subscribe.

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J Wolfe

Just about the time
When I think I’ve got the hang of things
Obscure thoughts come to mind
Leading me down roads unknown
Farther away from the goals
Everyone else set for me

Sharon Roy

Thanks, Kim, for this fun prompt. April snuck up on me so I just realized the challenge had begun, but still wanted to post an introduction.



Sarah E.

#slightlynarcoleptic and
#aspiringawake while
#repleatwithtasks always
#askingforattention and

Jeania White

As a list maker whose list never stops,the warnin to minimize is bursting with meaning here. This is my life in a nutshell!

Jeania White

#Justspellithowever you want, it’s pronounced
#Everyone says it wrong and most spell it differently
#And I’ve learned to answer to most anything!
#Now on to who I am
#I love to plant and grow things
#All the flowers and veggies and herbs.

#Winter means puzzles and reading and baking
#Here in my semi retirement
#I lean into growth in new ways
#Taking on challenges that are often not my own
#Even though my finish line may still be miles away.

Glenda Funk

Perfect first line. Name pronunciation is so important for students. I bet you shared your common problem w/ many. Thanks for sharing many details about the things that bring you joy. I’m glad you’re here. 🤗

Maren Money


Rachel Lee

Very cool. I like the “ready to be reactionary.” That could be dove into a lot.

Kayden Johnson


Grace Davis


Shelby Storckman




Rachel Lee

Hi, Rachel! I enjoyed the “Accustomed to Laughter.” It’s very telling.

Caleb B



#ParentTo3Cats-Elsa, Gus, and Finn.
#TwoCloseFamilyMembers-Mom, and sister.






Cali Seck


Rachel Lee

Fellow late night snacker here! My go to: a half sandwich lol

Michelle Fulton


Denise Krebs

Michelle, what fun! I hope someday Fulton is my favorite author. I love your enthusiasm and drive! My favorite line is “loudlaughingwithfamily. Have fun in Norway! That’s awesome.

Saba T.

Kim, thank you for hosting and for this awesome introduction idea.


Glenda Funk

I want to know more about that last line. It’s a slice waiting to be written.

Allison Laura Berryhill

Me too!

Christine Baldiga

Kim, what a great way to introduce ourselves as we begin on this month long challenge. I’m a few hours late, but here!
Your #bootsreadytohike line inspired my intro poem centered on my hike on the Camino last April, which kept me from writing poetry.



Glenda Funk

Your trek across Spain sounds awe-inspiring. Yes, #Experienceofalifetime I’ve thought about taking a walking tour, but I worry I won’t be able to keep up.

Denise Krebs

Christine, what an amazing experience. I’m so glad you got to have this experience, and now you will have a lifetime of poems rubbing elbows with your Camino trip.


Thanks for the inspiration! I went in a little different direction and picked a word based on an experience from today.

#Sunset Tree

#SLO-ing down
#Umbrellaed by the setting sun
#Night knocking
#Sunshine winking behind the tree
#Embraced by warm light
#Tracing lithe limbs

#Travel weary
#Reaching for rest, my dreaming eyes
#Echo back the day
#Enchanted by the sunset tree

(You can check out a photo of the sunset tree on my blog) https://thinkingthroughmylens.com/2024/04/01/sunset-tree-a-hashtag-poem-npm24-day-1/

Jennifer Kowaczek

Thank you for including the link to your blog. Initially, I was going to mention how I was completing my SLO today as well. Now I know your SLO is not the same as my SLO — yours is much more pleasant 😂
Thank you for your poem.

Denise Krebs

Kim, what a wonderful image! I love that tree umbrellaing the setting sun!

Glenda Funk

That tree photo is lovely, and your poem captures it exquisitely. It’s a real talent to be able to write emphatic poetry so well. Have you thought about creating a canva of the poem onto that photo?

Jeania White

This was an absolute joy to read! I can almost feel the umbrella and see the wink.

Jessica Wiley

Kasey, I love your reference to food…and not just because I love to eat. But your language dances with the imagery you present. Your third stanza describing butter smearing across the bread of hope-something so simple as the pair of bread and butter creates an inspirational image that hope spreads if we put forth the effort. Such a great analogy. Thank you for sharing.



Sierra Newey

Hi, MathSciGuy! I giggled at “youngish”. As a “youngish” educator, I’m half happy, half sad to leave behind the title of “young”! Loved your poem!!


Love the guilty pleasure line! It says so much about this anonymous introvert!

Denise Krebs

Wow! We get to know some fun details about you! Sleepless Dad takes a lot during these years. You are busy!

Jessica Wiley

Thank you Kim for hosting today. What an excellent introduction to National Poetry Month! #kayakflipper has me curious, but #yestonewadventures has me celebrating. I mixed my hobbies and feelings and came up with this mashup.


Leilya Pitre

Hi, Jessica! Good to “see” you here! Your first line is so enticing, and I can envision you jamming easily. Kove the final hashtag too!

Denise Krebs

Jessica, I love this wonder-filled poem. Encourager to many is warming my heart tonight!

Glenda Funk

Your final line is amazing. It encapsulates what I aspire to be, an #artistwithwords.

Denise Krebs

I had to look up your title, and learned something about Tarot cards, and this one does not bode well. However, I so love the hope in your poem. “the butter smears across / The bread and that is hope”, “The nurturance of it all” and “The jame of spring”. Such lovely images. Beautiful and hopeful. Like Mo, I really like the powerful description of the sky in “Sometimes bird blue, most times goose-gray”

Haley Morhlis

Hounding children to bed
And clamoring for my own rest
Loosening the knot on
Expectations no one has set but me
Yearning for a stretch of open sky.

Allison Laura Berryhill

Oh Haley, “loosening the knot” echoes my own lines today. “Clamoring for my own rest” brings me viscerally into (much of my!) life as a mother. I’m so glad you showed up as a poet tonight.

Jessica Wiley

Hi Haley, I can express my sentiments with your poem. I am actually away at an educational conference and this is my first night in a while NOT having to worry about putting children to bed. Your lines
“Loosening the knot on
Expectations no one has set but me
Yearning for a stretch of open sky” resonates with me because I feel like I have bound myself with this unwritten rule of how to live my life. I’m ready to yank that knot free! Thank you for sharing.

Allison Laura Berryhill

And Jessica, I’m ready to yank that knot free for you as well. Isn’t it strange how we’re so often to give others grace before giving it to ourselves?


I felt those first two lines – I can relate!

Denise Krebs

Haley, I can understand those busy parenting times when there is also so much else to do. Even after that busy evening, you came here and wrote this beauty! That last line is priceless.

Mo Daley

Kasey, I adore your bird color reference. The metaphors in your last three stanzas are just perfect! Wow!

Sierra Newey


Mo Daley

Recoveringpeoplepleaser, huh? You may have to give lessons to some of us, I think! I think most of us think we don’t read enough, don’t we?

Denise Krebs

Sierra, what fun this is! It’s fun to get to know you through these hashtags. My favorite “#Inspiredbutdistracted” Maybe because I can relate!

Anna J. Small ROSEBORO

Sierra, several of the adjectives you’ve used describe an effective educator. The one I think will serve you longest is “Empathaticlistener” and you probably can do this for a long time because you’re “Alwayswriting”. You can get thing “off your chest” and be open to listing and assisting others. Keep up the good work. You may be a people pleaser, but you obviously, also are a blessing!

La Donna Tuinstr

For ease of read, you might consider capitalizing the first letter of each word – especially important for low-visual readers who need this visual cue


Mo Daley

La Donna, I like how you’ve taken the prompt and made it your own, with an important reminder, to boot. Thank you!

Denise Krebs

That does make it easier to read! I’ve seen a couple hashtags that take a few times to find all the little words. 🙂

Jessica Wiley

I love this La Donna. What a great modification to address different learners. #ThanksForYourInput

Reagan Detrick

#Accommodating ~authoritative 

Mo Daley

Reagan, I sense a lot of contradictions in your poem, especially in your last two lines. I like it.

Denise Krebs

Reagan, I love all these words that describe you, and show how complicated it is to describe ourselves with just a few words. “Accomodating – authoritative” Both!

Anna J. Small ROSEBORO

Reagan, I’m impressed with the superficially contraditory adjectives that make for a well-rounded person, like you obviously are! accommodating/non-conforming. That’s probably because you’re “Eagertolearn” and “Avidadventuous”, too. Love it! Can’t learn much without being a risktaker!


Reagan, these are amazing hashtags and I feel like they truly help me see who you are. I love your hashtag #eagertolearn because I believe everyone should be a life long learner. I also love your last hashtag because it is such an amazing quality to have.



Mo Daley

Ona, I love that your last line is just one word, but it’s so powerful.

Denise Krebs

Oh, beautiful words–just a few needed to share so much! My favorite #NoticingJoy


Noticing joy! Yes! Who needs more than three? 🙂



Mo Daley

This is great, Ashley. Your first four lines speak volumes. I believe your last line- it seems so clear from what you’ve written.

Denise Krebs

Nice to meet you, Ashley! So many fun things about yourself shared in this tiny poem. I love the last line especially!

Donnetta D Norris




Your hashtags show the intersections of your personality in such a lovely and playful way. I’m not sure why, but when I read “#obssessedwithwashitape,” I read it as if you had a small smirk on your face musing over how to use it next. The appreciation for art in both crafting and the world shine through your poem!

Mo Daley

Donnetta, so many of your lines resonate with me! I love #nevernotlearning and #treefascination. And your last line is perfect!

Anna J. Roseboro

Donnetta, your line “nevernotlearning”
summarizes our reading today.
Many of us are learning a new poetry style AND so much about one another. So poetic in your inclusiveness.
Thanks for sharing!

Denise Krebs

Yes, here’s to “Always wanting all the books!” I can relate. Washi tape made me smile too. And I’ve seen some of your tree fascination in photos on your blog. Nice introduction!

Sarah Fleming



Your last hashtag highlights a powerful aspect of your personality! Sometimes the most humble warriors are the most powerful!

Mo Daley

Hi Sarah. I’m intrigued by your first line. I’d love to hear more about that in your poems this month!

Denise Krebs

Sarah, I love the theme of reading and literature throughout your poem. It’s one of your values that comes through loud and clear!


Love, love, love! All beautiful truths about beautiful you! I could relate to this one:


…sometimes it’s the only way to keep our sanity! XD

Mo Daley

By Mo Daley 4/1/24




Donnetta D Norris

Mo, I can totally related to overworked and underpaid. Mamo is so endearing.

Susie Morice

Hi, Mo — A strong woman here, that voice is unmistakable. “Far from over” indeed! And the last line surely resonates with every teacher-poet here. 💪🏼. Hugs, Susie



Your use of both your given name at birth and your given name for your grandchildren is heart-warming. I did wonder if the “#alwaystravelingsomewhere” refers to the geographic locations of your grandchildren.

Denise Krebs

Mo or Mamo, I like how you may sound a little tired in the first stanza, and then as you get to the Mamo section, you get busier and energized, tired, but full of life!

Katherine Lindsey


Katie, I am a big fan of the hyphen. You use it so cleverly here with the way it shows connections, progress, and even a sense of relentlessness in that last line. Geesh, I feel that so deeply.

Donnetta D Norris

Katherine, I too love the use of the hyphen. I too know everlasting tiredness. I too am trying my best. I hope you feel seen. We are in this together, yet apart.

Denise Krebs

Katherine, Oh, so sweet! You sound like a teacher. So much enthusiasm, but it is tiring! I love all your hashtags, and it makes me want to get to know the person who wrote them.

Seana Hurd Wright

Love this idea !! I can’t wait to do it with my students this month.

#Sassy and a spectacular speller
#Enthusiastic about teaching
#Analytical a little too often
#Nosey and I stand by that
#Advise-giver about many topics

Scott M

Seana, I love “#Nosey and I stand by that”! Lol. Unapologetic nosiness! (And I’m with you, this is definitely something I’m going to try in the classroom — Thanks, Kim!)

Susie Morice

Deana – I particularly appreciate that “sassy” and “nosey”… made me smile. Susie

Denise Krebs

Seana, so fun! I love the openness and honesty, and the “sassy” in your poem. So cute!

Glenda Funk

Your poem offers lots of insight into your personality. What’s your secret to being a “spectacular speller”? I often told kids teaching ruined my spelling ability. That 4th line made me chuckle. I think being nosey is an occupational requirement for teachers!

Katrina Morrison

#Keeps at it like a dog with a bone.
#Attends to details, but does not always attend.
#Tries to be sociable. It does not come naturally.
#Reads to make up for lost time.
#Imposter syndrome is a real thing.
#Nature lover but not a natural lover.
#Always hungry.

Katherine Lindsey

Hello! Katrina! I agree and resonate with your hashtags that imposter syndrome is a real thing among the always hungry! Those are both real challenges somedays.

Sarah Fleming

YESSSSS – imposter syndrome is real and vicious! I really enjoyed your poem, thank you for writing it!

Denise Krebs

Katrina, “always hungry” made me laugh. The other lines make me think. I love how some of them you put a twist on. More to get to know about you through those …but… lines.

Glenda Funk

You’ve opened your life in this poem. That takes a lot of trust. The paradox i. line 2 is fabulous. #Imposter syndrome is a real thing. is a fact. It has hurt so many women, myself included.

Britt Decker

What a fun, brilliant way to kick off poetry month – thank you! As my poem will make clear, I wasn’t sure whether to go with my full name or nickname… I chose full in order to say more, LOL.



Hi Britt, Yearn to learn is a great one! I think I remember about your three sons four and under, And addicted to notebooks and pens is better than being addicted to chocolate (me)!

Sarah Fleming

Hi Britt – I really loved this, especially your coffee order – now I want to go back and add mine!

Donnetta D Norris

Ooh!! Yearn to learn…love that one. Sending a huge “ME TOO!!” for addicted to notebooks and pens.

Denise Krebs

Britt, so many lovely lines here. “Three sons under four” says so much! I love that drink you describe there, too. You know what you like. And “Yearn to learn” Yes!


Thanks Kim for this challenge. Wrote this many times, as I am not used to #hashtags.



Kim Johnson

Juliette, already I see we have much in common – – traveling, rising early, writing and reading. I’m excited to meet an international teacher – and you live in west Africa! Wow, that is a time zone or two away. I can’t wait to get to know you better this month!

Britt Decker

Juliette, I love this so much! We both love reading and writing, as well as traveling and spending time with loved ones. 🙂 I used to be an early riser by choice, but now my kids are the early early risers and sometimes I wish to sleep in 😉 ha!

Seana Hurd Wright

So many of your descriptions are ones I share too. I’d love to know where you’re traveled to? Enjoy this month of writing and greetings to you in Africa !

Scott M

Juliette, this is great! Your #hashtag work is on point! And I envy you “#Earlyriser[s].” I’m one by profession not choice, lol. Thanks for writing and sharing today!

Susie Morice

Juliette — “Live in West Africa”?!! Wow! I love that such a distance might seem gigantic and yet all the other lines make us so similar. We are community! Cool! Susie

Denise Krebs

Juliette, I learned a lot more about you in this sweet little poem. You were really able to share a lot. I didn’t realize you would soon be an empty nester. It’s great to have you here, friend.

Tammi Belko

Kim — Your prompt was a fantastic way to kick off this month of poetry. So fun! Definitely, will use this one with my students! My boots are always ready to hike too!



Your use of adjectives make this doable. I’m sure students will enjoy writing these too.

Leilya Pitre

Hi, Tammi! Agree with your forth line; it’s so relatable. Happy to meet here again.

Kim Johnson

Tammi, I’m hearing the Manic Monday song now! So glad we are back here writing together this month – love that last line and can’t wait to dive in more throughout the month!

Britt Decker

Also a mother of three! 🙂 love the use of adjectives to structure your poem.

Denise Krebs

Tammi, what a sweet poem. I learned some more about you. Your Monday / musicals line made me laugh, and I love that last line. Me too!




Kim Johnson

Ah, Ramona! Slice of Life Ramona? Welcome to #VerseLove! I see you are a seeker of glimmers – – is this a hummingbird group or a shimmery light? You are so, so right – – nothing beats being a grandparent. I’m so glad you are here writing with us!


Yes, I am the SOL Ramona that you persuaded to show up.
“Glimmers are tiny micro moments of joy, fleeting, everyday moments that elicit a rush of happiness, gratitude, calm, peace, safety or goodwill.” I prefer looking for glimmers instead of keeping a gratitude journal. Probably very similar.

Britt Decker

I am obsessed that you’re part of five book clubs!! I have so many questions about you – I want to invite you to coffee! ☺️
Family history writing group?

Your poem is such a fun way to get to know someone and prompt conversation. Happy to writing alongside you this month.

Sarah Fleming

Ah, liable to procrastinate – if only I had an L in my name too! Wonderful, thank you for sharing this!

Susan O

Hi Ramona! You are the namesake of my mother. Glad to read your #poem. We share a lot, especially baker of cookies and overloverofchocolate. Then I am impressed that you are a member of five bookclubs. How can you do that! ?

Denise Krebs

Oh, Ramona, it is good to see you here! I love your creative and fun words, especially the Grandma line, eternaloptimist, and my favorite “A seeker of glimmers” Wow!

Amanda Potts

This was a lot of fun!

#Nightowl #Usedtobeamorningperson
#Dontmesswithme #menospausal
#Askyourfather #Imreading



Always taking pictures! I should have put that one on mine. Tidying is not my forte. Not mine either! Years ago when I wrote a name acrostic with students, one of my As was allergic to housework.


You used some humor and honesty. I enjoyed reading about you. I like; “#Dontmesswithme #menospausal”.

Glenda Funk

Im over here 👏 ing and 🤣ing at “#Dontmesswithme #menospausal” Everything about your poem reinforces what I know, observe, and live about you. Knowing you grew up in the south, I’m imaging a southern accent as you say “#Askyourfather #Imreading” Brilliant acrostic.

Kim Johnson

Amanda, those pictures that we are always taking come in handy for writing, don’t they? I love that last line – – I so understand the “should be grading!” The line I love best? Menopausal. – – -oh, we can talk!

Britt Decker

The last one! LOL, ditto! You’re so fun, I love this acrostic!

Katrina Morrison

Amanda, I wish I had thought of some of these. I love “#Askyourfather” and “Shouldbegradingpapers.”

Seana Hurd Wright

Amanda, I love and can relate you your descriptions!. My favorites were the menopausal, nightowl, and pedagogy makes me happy. We share so many and I love that. thanks

Katherine Lindsey

Laughing at Tidying is not my forte as i’ve been avoiding that all day lol. Nice to meet you Amanda! I really like your use of the hastags #Teachingismypassion, and #Alwaystakingpictures!

Denise Krebs

Amanda, so many funny lines here! You seem like one of those people who are so good at hashtags, you tell stories with your hashtags. Love the menopausal line, ask your father I’m reading AND #Should be grading papers” Such fun! It really helps us get to know you.

DeAnna C.

Hi Kim, great first prompt for the month. I went back and forth on which name to use. I finally went with Mrs. C as that is what students have called me for 14 years. It was a name I really loved hearing in the halls.



Britt Decker

I didn’t even consider using my teacher name; this is brilliant. I’m Mrs. Decker, but go by Lady Decker (long story…ha!). Now I want to compose another one with my teacher name. So awesome!

Denise Krebs

DeAnna, such fun here! I love the “Mom of five, plus a few extra” That speaks volumes about you. I really like the second line too. I think that is true about me too. I’m glad! You’ve squeezed in a lot here.



Sarah J. Donovan, PhD (s/her)

Glenn, I hear the relief in the series of hashtags in the welcoming of change of seasons. In that last one, I sense the distrust, maybe the inevitable that you will be wishing for a new season once again. Love this spring reflection.



It took me a bit to figure out learning to welcome sun . . . I was trying to make .it learning towel. Sounds like you’re ready for spring. Sorry about the sun betraying you!

Kim Johnson

Ha! Nevertrustthesun……it tempts and taunts and makes promises it doesn’t keep, doesn’t it?? I’m sorry you are having a Nor’easter……bummer!

Haley Morhlis

Oof. April is the cruelest month! Didn’t Eliot tell us? I love the way you play with the element of light as a gift and a wound.

Allison Laura Berryhill

Who the heck is Haley Morhlis <3

Denise Krebs

Glenn, yes, I hear a big nor’easter is coming. Stay safe. Here’s to SPRING finally coming. I can see what is on your mind these days. That third line is beautiful poetry.

Heather Morris

#Holding books or
#Enjoying a mystery or thriller series
#Arts lover
#Travel enthusiast
#Heartfelt teacher
#Early morning writer
#Reinventing herself one step, one stitch, one word at a time.

Heather,lovely gathering of tags to build toward the complexity and becoming of self. I welcome the “re” , too!



Heather, these #hashtags allow us to share and infer our traits in a very meaningful way. I admire the “#Heartfelt teacher” and “#Holding books”.

Kim Johnson

Hi, Heather! I’m your fellow travel enthusiast and early morning writer! Welcome!

Britt Decker

one step, one stitch, one word. Love this so much, Heather. When I write another draft of mine, you’ve made me consider writing one focused around my hobbies and/or interests. Thanks for sharing!

Denise Krebs

Heather, that last line is magical. I love everything about it, and hope it is true for all of us, really.

Rita Kenefic

#Reader and writer
#Involved with family and friends
#Teacher at heart
#Always enjoy a good laugh

#Retired reading specialist
#Overjoyed with my eleven grandkids
#Still in love with hubby after 52 years
#Energized by people and projects.

Tammi Belko

It is nice to meet you, Rita! If you love reading and writing, you’ve come to the right place. I love that you enjoy a good laugh. I do, too.

Heather Morris

I relate to your first name, and I look forward to your middle name. I look forward to retirement and being “energized by people and projects.” I am too tired for that now.

Kim Johnson

Rita, eleven grandkids – you are a busy lady! How wonderful to be retired AND still in love with your husband – – I’m sure life is so much better with the spirit of love all around!

Britt Decker

Hubby and I are celebrating 10 years in July; praying I will say the same as you in 42 years 😉 congratulations to retirement to grandmothering and to love!

Denise Krebs

Rita, It’s so good to see you here! Rita Rose is a beautiful name. I learned so much about you through your acrostic. Beautiful!

Rita DiCarne

Thank you for this fun prompt. You sound like a great adventurer!

Barbara Edler

Wonderful poem to show your interests and your current focus, Rita. Love the way you framed your poem with this colorful background. Retiring is a difficult decision. Good luck!

Glenda Funk

38 years is enough, a good stopping point. Love that you married your h.s. sweetheart. Of course, I want to know about those #nextgreatreads

Tammi Belko

Nice to meet you, Rita. I relish nature too. I recently joined a hiking club, so I can get out in nature more.


I feel like you read my mind with many of your lines. This line is so perfect:



Fun to see so many slicer friends here. I share some of your loves-autumn, nature and the next great read. Beautiful presentation, Rita!

Kim Johnson

Rita, I love your background! Very colorful and the flowers are so springy! I, too, am fueled by Autumn – – I love the season in between cold and hot that is NOT full of pollen! Welcome!

Denise Krebs

Rita, hooray for all the interesting things you got into your poem. HS sweetheart! Fun. “Everything autumn feeds her soul” says a lot about you too. Beautifully worded!

Barbara Edler

Good afternoon, Kim. Thanks for hosting today. My poem is based on my nickname from when I was a kid through high school and shows more of my attitude from back then. I’ve had a few different nicknames since then, but this one is probably my favorite. You definitely show your interests through your hashtag acrostic poem. I need to learn about boon docking.


Rita DiCarne

Barbara, it’s great that you used a fun nickname. I love #O!

Glenda Funk

This is a delightful poem, and I suspect your orneriness is only tempered by the limitations of aging. I admire how you find ways for #Movingmyway and your determination to keep going. Keep yodeling, my friend.

Tammi Belko


I love the attitude that exudes from this poem. Sounds like you were a force to be reckoned with.I laughed out loud at kickingassandtakingnames!

Heather Morris

Your personality shines bright in this poem. I love “not going to stop” and “kicking ass and taking names.”

DeAnna C.

Barbra, I want to know the story behind the name Monkey. I love what you’ve done with your poem today. 🙂

Amanda Potts

Barb, this poem made me grin. First, I love the nickname. Then you channeled all sorts of good motion and noise into a poem that made me want to know that ornery little girl. #Keepkickingass


Oh, Barb . . . I love this. I especially love this line (but I don’t believe it):


Leilya Pitre

It looks like you had fun with this poem, Barb! I love every line here with lines 4 and 6 as favorites. Thank you for being you!

Kim Johnson

Barb, I love the spunk! Spunky Monkey! Your K is perfect! I love this nickname, and love that you still think of it and all the attitudes of high school. Glad we are journeying through April togther!

Katrina Morrison

Barbara, I love the line, “Kickingassandtakingnames.” I would love to see the reaction of students, parents, etc. if you put it right underneath your signature on emails.

Susie Morice

Barb – I enjoyed the happy images here… that “can do” kid! Yes! “Kicking ass” and wearing that “monkey” with such a strong voice. You are a woman we all want to know. Hugs, Susie

Haley Moehlis

I love the way you balance an element of weight and the non-negotiable with
yodeling. 🙂 Beautiful.

Stacey L. Joy

I love you. That is all.

Denise Krebs

Monkey, how fun is that! I want to hear you yodeling in the morning. I think I can imagine you doing that! Congratulations on your Hawkeye women! Final Four!


# Interestedintravellingtheworld

Barbara Edler

Lovely to meet you, Nicole through your poem. I love your #owningmytruth! Very fun poem!

Rita Kenefic

The Italian flag as a background was a great touch. I could relate to so many things especially, owning your truth and loving a good cup of coffee. NIce to “meet” you.

Glenda Funk

As many in this space know, I, too, am #Interestedintravellingtheworld. I hope to read about your destinations this month. Let’s go!

Tammi Belko

Nice to meet you, Nicole. I totally can relate to #neverenoughtime and #loveagoodcupofcoffee.

Kim Johnson

Oooh, I love #owningmytruth! That is a powerful mindset and a wonderful way to live. I’ll take a cup of coffee, too! #Love it!

Denise Krebs

Nicole, it is nice to meet you! So much good here. I remember decades of “Neverhavingenoughtime” but that has changed a bit since I retired. I love “Owningmytruth” Good for you, and what an important message we can all strive for. Is that the Italian flag?


Kim! What a fun way to introduce ourselves to each other for the month. I might have to revisit this again on different topics. I had fun with it!



Rachel S

I LOVE your title. It’s pretty impossible to squish a good picture of ourselves into just a few words. But yet – you’ve done it. I love “yarniethings” and your last long hashtag. Thank you!!


It was becoming entirely impossible! There’s so much!

Barbara Edler

Amber, lots of great shares through your poem. I also am a boy mom and love chocolate a bit too much!


Being a boy mom is great, great, great! And chocolate is also great!

Glenda Funk

Your title is perfect. It’s certainly impossible to reveal all of ourselves in one poem, right? i’m also a boy mom and an adventurer, sort of. I envy the #makerofyarniethings people. Not learning is one of life’s regrets.


No regrets, Glenda!!! You can pick it up any time. My oldest student is in her 70s. (My youngest: age 4.)

Aren’t boys just the best! I absolutely love being a boy mom and an adventurer.

Tammi Belko


I love your last hastag: reallyintofitnessandhealthbutialsolikechocolatetoomuch! Feel the same way!


It has to be that way. I’m glad I’m not alone!

DeAnna C.

Amber, your poem is very informative about who you are. #Boymom is such a wonderful thing to be. my three boys are all adults now. Enjoy your time with your boys.


Being a boy mom is so wonderful! Mine are 10 and almost 17. It’s just the three of us, so we kind of do whatever we want. It can be a riot.

My youngest bought birthday balloons from the dollar store the other day – no birthday relation. They’ve been aired up and floating around the house and car and going to school in his backpack for days now. I found one popped and on the stove the other morning next to a dirty frying pan that my oldest left there from cooking sausage at 10:30pm the night before. Fun times! And how I am careful to enjoy these moments now while I am so so eager to having adult sons. I cannot wait for what ruckus will become of us then. Disasters for sure.

Amanda Potts

Great title! I really felt that as I wrote today. I also enjoyed the last line: we contain multitudes, right? So we can like both!


Yes, I think you are right! Thank you for point out that truth. Yay to both!!!

Kim Johnson

Amber, that last line has me laughing – – yes, chocolate is the great temptation, isn’t it? I like that you make yarnie things. I have been working on my yarn skills, but I can’t count.


Counting can be a yard part of it. But keep after it. All good things come with time, right?!

Denise Krebs

Amber, perfect title! My favorite line is “#educatortrue” Wow! And, of course, loving that last line too!


Thank you!

I tried to get away from education. It sucked me back in. It’s me. It’s part of who I am. I accept and choose to then excel since I’m here in it. I do like it!


Thank you, Kim for this topic. I really like this prompt because it allows me to introduce myself in a creative way. I will try my best.



If I had a K in my name, I’d want to copy your K line. I also really like and keep books that I might never end up reading. Books!!! So nice to have.

It is nice to get to know you a little more. Looking forward to writing with you this month!

Barbara Edler

Kayla, what great hashtags. I really appreciate your closing one and can totally relate to your first one.

Rita DiCarne

Kayla, nice to meet you! I too have many books I may never get to!

Tammi Belko


Nice to meet you, Kayla. I agree with Amber. I love your first line too. I feel that is a statement we can all relate to.

Kim Johnson

Kayla, thank you for advocating for drug abuse awareness. I love the K – – I share it as a first letter and I share it as that very aspect of self. I’m so glad you are a young future educator – – the world needs more enthusiastic teachers like you – especially teachers who write!

Scott M

Welcome, Kayla! Like everyone else here, your first line — “#KeeperofbooksImaynevergetto” speaks truth! Thanks for writing and sharing today!

Denise Krebs

Kayla, nice poem with so many rice aspects of you. That first line is golden! And an advocate for drug abuse awareness–what worthy work!

Anna J. Small ROSEBORO

Well, what an interesting way to introduce ourselves. Thanks for getting us off to a really cool start!


#Obedient (often)

Anna Acrostic 1 April 2024.jpg

Oh! I like the graphic! What a great idea…and great photo!

It’s nice to get to know you. You sound like a delightfully fun person to be with in the writing world this month here.

Leilya Pitre

Hi, Anna! I love naughty and nice opposition next to ambitious and adventurous. So many qualities here that are amazing, surprising, contradictory really showing the complexity of your nature and character. Love the image with the poem too! Thank you.

Barbara Edler

Lots of fun adjectives to describe yourself, Anna. I agree your radiant and outgoing! Love the imagery.

Amanda Potts

Anna, I really like the picture that goes with your poem. I also appreciate how each of your lines is a single word – except Obedient, when you break the rules!

Tammi Belko

Anna — I love the adjectives you chose and especially how they counter each other in positive ways.

Kim Johnson

Anna, gorgeous photo! I love this! You, naughty? I never would have guessed. I love all your words, and I love that your first name is a palindrome too. All of your words are so you, especially the nice and reflective and radiant!

Denise Krebs

Anna, sweet words to describe you! I think my favorite is #Obedient (often).

Heidi Ames

Excited to start poetry month off in this wonderful community!






Barbara Edler

Heidi, great hashtags. I can so relate to your final line and feel like I am very reflective, too. Sometimes embracing retirement is a challenge. I’m sure you’ll figure out how to enjoy it though.

DeAnna C.

Heidi – why are we always so much harder on ourselves then those around us? Thank you for sharing today. 🙂


Heidi, great to meet you. I’ve been retired for a few years and love enjoying it. I too enjoy reading and writing, but not painting. I’m in awe of anyone who paints.

Kim Johnson

Heidi, welcome! I, unfortunately, share that last line with you. I’m a 1 on the Enneagram, and I wish I were another number. I love when fellow writers share interests – I’m right there with you except I need to be getting healthier, I wish I were retiring, and I truly wish I enjoyed cooking more than I do.

Denise Krebs

Heidi, good for you! Healthier lifestyle with those specifics make it fun to read! That last line is interesting, and has me contemplating.


Heidi, I love your hashtags! I have never played pickle ball but I love to cook. I love your first hashtag because it shows such a huge part of who you are. I can also heavily relate to your last hashtag and I bet so many others can too!

Glenda Funk

Hi Kim,
Thanks for hosting. I tried to approach this prompt be sharing something folks who have been writing in this space a long time, as I have, do t know about me. My poems this month will double as Stafford Challenge poems, as well as #VerseLove poems.


#Three nicknames in my past
#When I was a young lass
#Include Dimples, Sissy, and 
#Twitter, grandma Phoebe’s bird sass.  
#Time’s past/present thoughts holdfast 
#Enchanted stories outlast 
#Reflections in cheeky mirror backlash

Glenda Funk

Maureen Y Ingram

Very clever twist on this prompt, sharing a small story in these lines. Twitter is a remarkably omniscient nickname, I think…who would’ve thought that word would be used by so many (though X is more appropriate now). I love “#Reflections in cheeky mirror backlash” so much!


Oh! I really like how you have shared some memories from the past. What a special thing to share with us about you. The use of the word “sass” definitely builds a mood. Loving it!

Barbara Edler

Marvelous job of using rhyme with your acrostic poem, Glenda. The imagery is fantastic. Love your last line and holding fast to present thoughts. Your nicknames are cuuuuute!

Rita Kenefic

Just like your SOL posts, this poem is original and interesting. I’m glad to see you in this group and I’m going to try to participate as much as possible. The part about Twitter, made me smile.

Amanda Potts

A rhyming acrostic which tells a story? Amazing. And Twitter as a nickname?! What fun – makes me glad Elon gave it up; now you can reclaim it!

Leilya Pitre

I love your take on a nickname. Twitter is an interesting choice, but so telling. The final three lines make me pause and think about life and things we keep in our thoughts.

Kim Johnson

Glenda, I like that you gave us some new things about you! I took your inspiration for the Canva, and I love the way they turn out. Dimples, Sissy, and Twitter – – I like that you are reflecting back on these times and then the last letter is Reflections – – that just gives the perfect last line!

Susie Morice

Hi, Glenda – This captures such a fun, “cheeky” gal. Someone we can truly appreciate not only as the kid but through all the storied days. And I love the reflective swan image. Hugs, Susie

Glenda Funk

Hi Susie,
I took the photo in St. James Park near Buckingham Palace last September.

Denise Krebs

Oh, those cute nicknames. Fun! And with rhyming, which makes this very fun to read. I love “Enchanted stories outlast” I’m sure we could hear so many stories associated with these nicknames and those who called you by them.

Saba T.

Your poem was so fun to read – especially with the rhyme!

Cathy Hutter

I appreciate the idea of an introductory poem to help build community. Thank you for starting off in this way.


Barbara Edler

Ahhh, Cathy, you have such wonderful hashtags. Love #Hopepractitioner. Fantastic list to show who you are.

Rita DiCarne

Cathy, chocolate certainly is good medicine! I love your H hashtag. 💜

Heather Morris

I love your C and H. Your words are so peaceful.


Hope practitioner is a great line!
i felt your love of nature as well. Thanks for introducing yourself to us.

Kim Johnson

Cathy, what a wonderful way to live – – as a hope practitioner! That is inspiring! And a trail hiker – – oh, yes!


I love hiking too – thanks for sharing!

Denise Krebs

Cathy, what wonderful hashtags. “Hope practitioner” is the best! And the chocolate medicator made me laugh! It does reduce stress, though, doesn’t it?


Cathy, you have such amazing hashtags! I love your first one because I am a firm believer in sweet treats. I also love your hashtag #hopepractitioner. This is such a wonderful quality to have.

Susan O

Fun start for April. Thanks, Kim.


Susan O

#Sympathetic ears
#Upbeat without fears
#Sister to two -what can I do?
#Artistic with paint – my favorite blue
#NativeCalifornian – over fifty years

Thought I’d add a bit more making some rhyme. – S


Ooooo! I do like that added rhyme factor. How fun!

Barbara Edler

I think the rhyming # one is also a bit more fun. It shows a lot and has a great rhythm. The question you ask about your sisters is rather humorous.

Kim Johnson

Susan, I didn’t realize that you painted! I’m learning new things about everyone today!

Denise Krebs

Susan, fun! I do like the rhyming one too. Clever. “Upbeat without fears” is my favorite~

Dave Wooley

Thanks Kim for kicking us off this month! I love the prompt and the sense of adventure that your poem exudes.



Stacey L. Joy

Oooooweee, I feel the tension! Good job on making the prompt work for your circumstances, Dave. Best of wishes on your new journey to your new home!

Cathy Hutter

Liked your writing about time -“months melt to minutes”

Barbara Edler

I feel the urgent need to get things done in your hashtag poem, Dave. Love the separated last line as it is relatable and provocative. Good luck with your move.


You managed to give this such voice, Dave! We are on



#EverySecondCountsINDEED (will get some chicken to you before you move)


I feel the transition wing heavily on you. I also think this poetry comes out a great time for you to reflect on your journey. I look forward to sharing it with you.

Kim Johnson

Dave, oh goodness! That’s exciting to be moving. And I’m so glad that despite all the busy things happening, you are taking the time to write with us! The road IS unpredictable, isn’t it?

Denise Krebs

Dave, wow! This poem is revved up, as you must be in this changing chapter. I hope all goes well! I love the W line. Yes, weird and winding road that keeps it interesting.

Maureen Y Ingram

This was a wonderful icebreaker for our community, Kim, a great way to kick us off this month!

– Let me introduce myself –


Gayle Sands

Maureen–Rationalizing chocolate– I do that every day. Some days, more than once!

Glenda Funk

That last line is so sweet. I want to see you use a trowel. This image is new to me, and I’m fascinated by it. I love what you did w/ #Ufascinateme. Way to work the prompt!

Barbara Edler

Love your second #, Maureen. Your last line is a fantastic way to end, too. Very fun peak at who you are!

Rita Kenefic

Hi, Maureen. Rationalizing chocolate and Nana enchanted by love resonated with me. I look forward to seeing more of your poems as we journey through April.

Fran Haley

Rationalizing chocolate! I’m all in with you on that, Maureen! It is fascinating to see themes running through so many of us “wordplay” types: a love of the outdoors, art (from drawing to Canva), and nature/gardening. Oh, how your last line resonates with me…as I’m Franna enchanted by love. 🙂

Kim Johnson

Maureen, rationalizing chocolate – – this is so me, too! I love learning new things about the writers I’ve known for a long time as I learn about those new to the group, too. One thing I always enjoy about your writing is the Nana love and granddaughter stories!

Susie Morice

Maureen – I sure love the “wordplay” and laughed at the “chocolate”… girl after my own heart. And love the paint & draw! We have lots in common. Susie

Haley Moehlis

I love #atrowelhelpstodigdeep followed by #ufascinate me. Beautiful word play and detail.

Denise Krebs

“Nana enchanted by love” – How very appropriate! I think you use a trowel in the garden as well as in your poetry. Digging deep, indeed!

Saba T.

#Rationalizingchocolate – Every single day! Love it!

Leilya Pitre

What a wonderful way to wake up on April 1st to this prompt, Kim! Thank you so much for beginning this month-long journey today. Your “kayakflipping” had me right of the bat. “IntrovertedbyDNA” should be my nickname too. Thank you, Kim!
We were on the road early this morning, and I couldn’t respond right away but have a little window now to introduce myself and celebrate with teacher poets.



Rachel S

I love all the mix of emotions in this poem – it’s soft & personal, but also hilarious. #easygoingorsotheysay and #patienceisnotmyvirtue made my laugh – I can totally relate!! Also, you have a beautiful name. Thank you for sharing.

Maureen Y Ingram

Wonderful that you created hashtags for your last name, too – a real introduction to you, Leilya. How I adore “#Littlehumansbringmejoy” – we have this in common.

Gayle Sands

I really like the asides you have thrown in–or so they say…and the genuine emotion in your words. I have a feeling you really are a pleasant person (so they say 🙂

Glenda Funk

This is really an insightful poem. I never would have pegged you as impatient. Of course, I want to k ow about your travels. This line breaks my heart: #Yearningforhomelandinthemidstofworld’schaos I pray for Ukraine and think about your burden often. Hugs.

Barbara Edler

Leilya, your last hashtag says it all about you. Love how much you reveal about your interests and your personality. Love that you’re resilient but sensitive. That’s a powerful combo!

Fran Haley

Leilya – aww – little humans bring me joy, too. Every single line of your poem shows so much heart. You have touched mine!


I love how these tell readers so much about you in so few words. And you share diverse traits, which is cool. The most touching line for me is


Kim Johnson

Leilya, patience is not my virtue, either. I want things yesterday. It’s so hard to wait sometimes. I’m glad you are embracing new things! And unknowns.


Hi Leilya, thanks for sharing! I am a lucky and proud parent too 🙂

Denise Krebs

Leilya, you managed to tell so much about yourself. I’m thinking of you and Ukraine now that I read this beautiful line “#Yearningforhomelandinthemidstofworld’schaos” Amen, my friend.


Okay. I’ll try this out this month.


Leilya Pitre

I am glad you decided to give it a go, WOW! You’ll see some amazing and kindest people here. I like your inquisitive and curious personality. What would I like to ask? – What’s the place that surprised you the most?


Thanks for the warm welcome. I think I’m most surprised by how much fun we can have exploring anywhere we go. I’m trying to do a marathon in every state, and we have so much fun in tiny towns from Iowa to Alabama.

Maureen Y Ingram

Welcome, Eric! I remember you from the March blogging. I adore “#InsideMyHeadIAmAskingQuestions” – I believe this is a great attitude for all of us, especially teachers, especially when they expect questions from their students, too.

Barbara Edler

Very fun closing question. I think you will love the VerseLove challenge. Love the way you set the tone of your poem, and your second line is dynamite!


Oh I’d like to ask a lot of questions. Does running help you experience new places? Are you at a crossroads? I look forward to reading the rest of your poetry this month. Thank you for introducing yourself.

Kim Johnson

Exploring new places is a fun jam! I like your sense of adventure and your curiosity!

Denise Krebs

Eric! Welcome, glad you are joining in Verselove! “Inside my head I am asking questions” is a great line. I’d like to ask what is the farthest you’ve ever run?

Rachel S

Yay for April! I’m excited to be back.
My identity as a mom seems to overshadow everything else these days, so I decided to write one version about my mom-life, and another about me in general (to help me remember there’s more to life than this toddler-stage!)





Leilya Pitre

Rachel, I love both sides of you! Your mom nature is inseparable from the rest of you, so don’t even think about it. Regardless how old our kids are, we will always prioritize them. I so love “lullabywhisperer.” “Slothfanatic” is another captivating line. Thank you!

Maureen Y Ingram

Brilliant idea, Rachel – yes, there is more to you than cheerio crushing. How cool that you are a sloth fanatic! I believe Glenda Funk is as well. This is such a fun way to learn about everyone!

Gayle Sands

Both sides are equally true! Loved the elephantandpiggie reader–which connects to libraryfrequenter. Your kids will be readers too–a blessing!

Susan O

Rachel, you first hashtag poem is so loving! I can see those little hands with the crushed cheerios in your hand as you whisper a lullaby.

Cathy Hutter

Writing two poems about yourself seems to express where you are in life right now- being a toddler mom is life consuming but you are that and more. Since you are a rose-smeller, I bet you are stopping to smell the roses of your child’s toddlerhood.

Rita Kenefic

Clever idea to write about your two identifies. I remember Toddler Days…It’s normal to lose yourself. Like you, I love the scent of roses and I’m a very frequent guest at libraries. Nice to meet you!

Kim Johnson

A sloth fanatic! Oh, a fellow enthusiast of the two- and three-toed fascinating creatures! I love them, too! Welcome!

Denise Krebs

Rachel, this is priceless! Both versions! So fun. “Cheerio crusher” made me laugh. I remember those days. I love Elephant and Piggie books. At least they are good literature. 🙂 Your poem about the other you to help you remember, I’m sure did just that. It is beautiful!

Erica J

Thanks for easing us into poetry month with an introduction and low-stakes poem that feels very accessible!



Leilya Pitre

Hi, Eric! I can relate to so many things here–reading, resting in nature, doing hard things (a.k.a. life), and definitely “#CravingConnections.” Thank you for sharing!

Leilya Pitre

Erica, I am so sorry for the typo 🙂

Maureen Y Ingram

I love “#Icandohardthings” – bravo!

Cathy Hutter

Your “I Can Do Hard Things” made me smile as I thought of TeachWrite and our close community there.


your hashtags really resonate with me! I love the calming energy you project into the world!

Heather Morris

I can relate to it all, and you include my favorite saying, “I can do hard things.” I look forward to joining you at the table during this month of poetry.

Katrina Morrison

Erica, thank you for inviting us in with “JoinMeAtTheTable.” Every line was my favorite.

Kim Johnson

Erica, I so understand the craving connections and I also understand endlessly reading. I love that you can do hard things, too!

Denise Krebs

Erica, your poem makes me want to join you at the table and hear you tell about the hard things you do, what you’re reading, and favorite things to do and see in nature. I’ll tell you mine too. Beautiful poem!

Rachel Lee



Cool to to kick off the month!

Erica J

Now I wish I had thought of that for my #A! I definitely relate to that one.

Rachel S

It’s fun to see what someone else did with my name! I’ve always felt an affinity to the other Rachel’s out there (once there were 8 of us all living in one apartment complex – we formed a little club!)

I could have put #anxietyqueen and #loverofsoup in mine. Your green home in the woods sounds like a dream!

Leilya Pitre

Rachel, anxiety is so real in this world. I almost wrote about it too, but then decided to stay as positive as I can on the first day. I do love soups as well. Nice to meet you!

Maureen Y Ingram

I am smiling at “#CollectorOfLegos” – we have become the depository of our boys’ Legos…

Cathy Hutter

I just love your H line- home in the woods. That is true for me too. I wish I had used that as my H line.

Denise Krebs

Rachel, so many interesting aspects of you that you share here. I love “enveloped by green” Are you a crazy plant lady? Gardener? However you are surrounded by green sounds beautiful. I too am a lover of soup! Many kinds and all year long.

Cheri Mann

Nice way to start April and get back in the groove. Thanks for the fun invitation. I just realized in typing my poem out in this comment that there’s a theme connected to the first real writing work I did, which was Louisville Writing Project XXI: 21 and legally writing many years ago. Finding a good “I” verb to fit my theme was challenging.



#Hashtag Acrostic Poem (1).png
Glenda Funk

I like the look of your Canva. I’m fascinated by that last line and your spectacular use of *inebriate,* a word you’ve flipped and empowered through nature.

Stacey L. Joy

Cheri, ohhh, I love “#InebriateWithMeTime. That’s how I spent my spring break. Hate that it ends tomorrow.

Enjoy your self-care time!


it’s the photo for me, Cheri! I want to #escapeinthekayak, too. Love seeing you sharing with this beautiful community.

Leilya Pitre

Cheri, your poem and photo are so inviting. Each word tells me more about you. Thank you for writing and sharing!

Maureen Y Ingram

You certainly rose to the challenge – “#InebriateWithMeTime” for the I is phenomenal.

Gayle Sands

Your photo beautifully accompanies your poem, which tells me so much about you. (Unfortunately, I can only personally relate to the reading and inebriation…)

Scott M

Cheri, this is great! I love — with everyone else — your “#InebriateWithMe Time” line, but I’m also drawn to your “#Cach[ing of]TheWorld,” too, as you hike and kayak and take it all in and store it away for a later date (or poem!). So cool!

Denise Krebs

Cheri, wow. I love the title of your poem, and the photo that goes with it. Are you a geocacher? I can just see you with your book on many outdoor adventures. Lovely!

Allison Laura Berryhill



Erica J

I think my favorite was #Errisdivine because when it is written like that it looks like it says “Erris divine” and somehow that’s funny to me or like there is something profound in that — like making Erris a goddess? Maybe I’m thinking of Eris, but it’s funny how that still fits.

Maureen Y Ingram

This is awesome, Allison. I love when I have to slow down to decipher …that word ‘tsundoku’ threw me for a loop, I first thought it was sudoku. And  “#Notgoingtoquitafterjustmyfirstname” – love it so much!

Gayle Sands

My favorite–your bossy inner child! What I relate most to?–the loosening. getting older does lead to a more rational approach, doesn’t it?

Stacey L. Joy

Hi Allison,
I love so much of this and I think it’s beautiful how you chose to end with…



My inner child and your inner child would’ve been besties! 🥰

Leilya Pitre

Love each line, Allison! Accordiontickler sounds surprising and enticing! I especially love “#Notgoingtostopafterjustfirstname,” and it makes me smile recognizing I am the same. The double “R”s and “L”s are powerfully revealing too. Thank you 🙂

Barbara Edler

Allison, love your active language here and the way you parallel several lines such as #Runslow and #Runhappy and your last two are definitely powerful actions. Love that Iowa sky, too!


Gosh, you took this next level! You worked in catchy language and flat out fun. I absolutely love the line and idea of


Scott M

“#Shelvesoftsundoku”! Yes, shelves and shelves! One day, some day, I’ll get to reading them all. 🙂 I also loved your “N” hashtag, so funny! (And I appreciate that you upticked “#Err[ing]” to “divine” ’cause I screw up often, lol.)

Allison Laura Berryhill


Denise Krebs

Oh, I just looked up tsundoku. I had never heard that word. I have shelves and shelves too. But I started The Things They Carried today! 🙂

Allison Laura Berryhill

It’s an incredible book. So much to contemplate.

Susie Morice

Allison — It’s wonderful to think about each of these descriptors. You are , indeed, a dynamic human being. I still love thinking of you with the accordion and that wonderful Iowa sky! The last two lines… “loosening” has me thinking there are deeper stories to discover… maybe this month via VerseLove. Hugs, Susie

Allison Laura Berryhill

Yes. Loosening. <3

Denise Krebs

Oh, Allison Berryhill! What a lot of wonders in your poem. Some favorites: N, B (Amen!) and your two Run lines! Yes, indeed. I hope your mom is doing as well as can be. Blessings to you and her and your whole family.

Jennifer Kowaczek

Introductory #Acrostic


Kim—thank you for this fun way to kick off National Poetry Month! I did not take the time to write out my list, instead I just started writing. As I read through my acrostic, I see I was focused on work. I’m going to do another after taking the time to write out my list.
Thank you again, for this fun prompt.

Glenda Funk

Im raising fists in solidarity for that line, #foreverfightfortherighttoread. Readers will win!

Maureen Y Ingram

Your enthusiasm for teaching and learning just emanates from these lines. “#Foreverfightfortherighttoread” is my fav!

Barbara Edler

Jennifer, I love the positivity of your hashtags especially engaging students line and forever fighting for the right to read one. Powerful poem!

Denise Krebs

Jennifer, you are a passionate educator. That really comes through. I think it would be great to write another acrostic about another side of you. One acrostic could never capture all of us, could it? Hooray for fighting for the right to read!


What a great way to introduce ourselves! I admire your dedication to blog every day! Here’s to writing every day this month!

Glenda Funk

Will the AI good outlast the AI evil? That’s the struggle, right? Love the Canva image and the “joy in vinyasa.” I wish I’d discovered yoga as a teen.

Erica J

I also enjoy sampling exotic cuisine — it’s my favorite thing to do when I travel. What cuisine were you thinking of when you landed on this hashtag?

Maureen Y Ingram

#UsingAIforgoodnotevil – Yes, yes! Spread this possibility (use a good algorithm or two…I’m a little scared).

Stacey L. Joy

Yay, Shaun! Love it! Your poem and pic speak volumes in so few lines.

Perfect title too!

Cathy Hutter

May your new found yoga practice bring you continued joy. Flowing through the poses brings me calm and peace. Namaste.

Denise Krebs

Shaun, so many wonderful self care hobbies here. You go! I’d like to hear more about how you use AI!

Rachel Lee

I’ve been getting into sampling exotic cuisine. Fun to try new things

Stacey L. Joy

Kim, what a fun prompt to start us off for April’s Verselove💜! I am thrilled to be here in community with you and our Ethical ELA family this month. Your poem speaks to me on so many levels. My favorite line is “#yestonewadventures” because it’s the only way to live!

I love hashtags but I especially love the freedom in how we can introduce ourselves today. Here is my creation! Happy Poetry Month, Kim and friends!


Great to see you, Stacey! I love your idea to create an image! I had to borrow it. Great positive energy!

Glenda Funk

You have the best name for today’s prompt! You definitely bring the joy. You are my Canva muse, too. Someone told me last week I gave the best last name, and I thought, you haven’t met my friend Stacey Joy!

Stacey L. Joy

Yay to Funk and Joy!!! What a pair! 🤗

Glenda, you have definitely been bitten by the Canva bug! I see all your beautiful creations and poetry!

Maureen Y Ingram

Gorgeous Canva, Stacey! Clearly, I need to find out how to use Canva. I love how you have JOY spelled out on the rocks, a beautiful symbol of #JoySeeker and I think #OceanLover. #TeacherPoet rocks!!!!

Barbara Edler

Love your joyful hashtag poem, Stacey. Your end is super! Yay!

Fran Haley

Stacey, you ARE a joy. Always. So is this poem – I am a yearn-to-learn ocean lover/life lover, too. You really are a super duper teacher poet as well – your enthusiasm is contagious!

Leilya Pitre

Stacey, each time I read your poem, I am amazed by your optimism, enthusiasm, and readiness to spread joy around you. I know life simply can’t be a joyful breeze walk every day. I love how you find little things that make you happy. ❤️
On another note, I may need a little lesson to tame Canva. I only do some basic stuff using it.

Kim Johnson

Sacey, I love the Canva background and that you are an avid Canva creator. I seem to remember you created a Social media frame one year for VerseLove! Yes, that’s all coming back. I love your JOY!

Stacey L. Joy

Hi Kim,
Thank you! My joy is good today because it is the last day of Spring Break. Check on me by Friday. LOL, my joy might be down to -5!

Yes! I made a profile frame for Bryan today. I have a template so let me know if you want it or want me to make one for you. Thanks for being a source of sooooo much inspiration!

Susie Morice

Stacey – Your positive, strong voice hasn’t diminished one iota! I love it. Each line makes me so glad we’ve been friends over these last several years! Hugs, Susie

Denise Krebs

Stacey, the joy pours out here, and you are a Canva Creator extraordinaire! This is beautiful. The short positive lines show the joy with with you #LoveLife!

Scott M

Some of My #Favorite Things




Thank you, Kim, for kicking us off right!  I’m also an “#introvertbyDNA”! 

Denise Krebs

Scott, clever acrostic. It reminds me of Susan’s. Clever! I had to look up oeuvre. Oxygen is one of my favorite things too. I have never finished The Things They Carried. I’m going to take it off my shelf right now. Thanks!

Allison Laura Berryhill

Scott, I loved learning that you are #introvertbyDNA. Your poems are so open–extraverted, even. If I had a T in my name, I would #TimO’BriensTheThingsTheyCarried too.


Hello Scott!
I too am a big TTTG fan. I try to use it in my AP class every year. The students write some very poignant essays about the “things” they carry. Cheers!

Cheri Mann

Your poem inspired me for my poem. I first titled it #Hobbies but changed it after the letter I stumped me. But seeing your favorite things gave me inspo, so thanks. I love the O–I’m also a big fan as well.

Stacey L. Joy

I love that you took the “favorite things” route! I was stumped with not focusing in mine and decided oh well.

I can see older students using the “Favorite Books” “Favorite Songs” etc. with this prompt.

Love it, Scott!

Maureen Y Ingram

Love that last hashtag so much – lucky, lucky students. I laughed out loud at “#Oxygen–I’mabigfan”

Dave Wooley

Die Hard is definitely a Christmas movie!

Fran Haley

What a great idea, Scott…we learn so much about one another through our favorite things, not to mention connecting over them. That fav fav thing at the last is my fav fav thing here in the poem, and also in my work – at the elementary level, it’s seeing kids fall in love with books, reading, and writing. When the curriculum doesn’t impede it. Just saying.

Susie Morice

Wonderful, Scott! I just finished another episode of Only Murders in the Building, so you had me from line 1! And loved The Things They Carried. It’s always a lucky day when your here sharing lines. Susie

Denise Krebs

Kim, thanks for this fun prompt! The line about your sweet schnoodle rescues with the “rockandrule” and #Yestonewadventures. What a great introduction poem to you, sweet Kim.

I had fun looking for words, and though I can see myself in each line, I’m not sure it’s much of an introduction. Haha! Thanks


Jennifer Kowaczek

I very much enjoyed your use of alliteration in each line. Brilliantly done!

Glenda Funk

Heres my favorite things about your poem: You masterfully embraced each letter w/ the assonance and alliteration, and you showed us you know yourself in the most honest way. Hold onto that naive niceness, my friend. It’s far preferable to being a cynic.

Stacey L. Joy

Whooaaahhh! You took it even further with your alliterations, Denise! You “diligent discerner” are such an inspiration!

Leilya Pitre

Denise, this is definitely you! “#Nonsensicallynaiveniceness” is so relatable to me, and life doesn’t teach us the lesson even through rough experiences. I love your skillful use of sounds of poetry–assonance and alliteration! Thank you!

Maureen Y Ingram

You know I love every bit of this alliterative fun, Denise! What wonderful wordplay. My favorite is “#Solidsecondhandskeptic”


Denise, what an inspiring acrostic! I might have my students try this using alliteration.

Barbara Edler

Denise, I think you’ve really captured yourself in this poem. Interesting perspective about being a secondhand skeptic and nonsensicallynaive… Powerful evolving warrior you are!

Dave Wooley

Hi Denise,
I love all the sounds in this!

Fran Haley

What great alliterative play, Denise! I think this IS a good introduction; so many facets of your bright personality and your heart shine through. Such as “deliberately diligent discerner” and “eternally emergent evolution” – we should all be deliberate and diligent in discerning, and always evolving. I would add in here, somewhere, “ever-encouraging.” Because you definitely are!


Wow, Denise! You sure added a challenging and lyrical element to your hashtags! So phenomenal!

Kim Johnson

Denise, the discernment and its deliberate diligence reminds me of my mother – – she had that gift, too. I’m so glad you have that heightened sense. Your alliterative phrases are creative and clever!


Denise–love the smashed together tryptics for each letter–love the eternally emerging evolution.

Kelly M.

Students will be much better at this than I am. I’m a librarian, btw. Don’t usually throw books at students. 😉


Denise Krebs

Funny, Kelly! I had to look up the new word “yeets” I guess you metaphorically throw books to kids as recommendations. I love that first line too!

Allison Laura Berryhill

Oh, Kelly! Welcome! #learningtohikealone should be the name of your first book of published poetry. Lovely.

Cheri Mann

Hiking alone is beautiful. I do it more often than hiking with someone. And I love your alliteration with bargains and bulldogs!

Maureen Y Ingram

Oh I love learning a new word – yeets! Fabulous!

Susan O

Hi Kelly. I can relate to being an early riser, lover of bargains and learning to hike alone. By the way, do you have a dog to go with you?

Fran Haley

Ha – yeets! Thanks for this new word! I especially love your opening line – I, too, strive to look for the good, every day.

Wendy Everatd

Lol! Loved this!

Julie E Meiklejohn

This is awesome, Kim! It’s amazing how so much detail can be conveyed in so few words. Looking forward to trying this with my students!
I just let mine go where it would…let’s just say that it’s been quite a year.


Denise Krebs

Julie, good for you! It’s been quite a year, and it seems that you are thriving in the midst of it. I love “#livingfullyinthehealthy”

Allison Laura Berryhill

Julie, you wrote a poem for ME in the year 2005 (19 years ago). I was 45. I’m #Stilljustgladtobehere. Sending love.

Stacey L. Joy

Julie, yes, I am glad to be here too! Perfect opening line for your poem.

Maureen Y Ingram

Julie, this is brilliant and honest, I think – “#unapologeticandunashamed” Yay, you!

Fran Haley

Juile, I am so drawn by your line “inspired by survivors”. I know there must be so much story behind it.



Kelly M.

Love this! Feel like we could be great friends. 🙂



Denise Krebs

Carriann, you have managed to convey so much about yourself in this sparse form. I enjoyed getting to know you here in your sweet graphic poem. #alreadyapoet


Thank you so much. That’s very sweet.

Maureen Y Ingram

#requiresalonetime reminds me of a tag one might hang on a plant for sale – put in sun, water frequently, leave alone. Love this!

Fran Haley

First of all, what a pretty name, Carriann! I can see you are a connoisseur of the finer things in life. I am most intrigued by “novice gardener” – I think our human hearts long to live closer to the earth than we do.

Joanne Emery

Great idea, Kim! This is something I have never done before. I bet my students would like to do this too!

This is Me

#Just completed 31 days of poetry!
#On to another 30!
#Always moving,
#Never stopping,
#Not ever, I mean it!

#Enthusiastic to be here
#Making more poetry,
#Even when it doesn’t make sense.
#Ready to write!

Denise Krebs

Joanne! Your introductory hashtag poem says so much about you. You are coming from a book full of springtime poems, and moving into another bookful this month. I love the last three lines in Joanne. “Never stopping, not ever, I mean it! Exhausted” So hashtag like, and natural with your name. It really made me smile.

Kim Johnson

Joanne, I’m with you, a bit exhausted but excited and ready all the same for the month ahead. I love #evenwhenitdoesn’tmakesense because I feel that way so much of the time – – and then people see things I never saw. I love the universal appeal of poetry – – that it meets us where we are as readers and writers, and the making of the sense is a wide spectrum of application! Thank you, friend!

Jennifer Kowaczek

thank you for your introduction. I like that you chose to write your lines as a continuation of the last. Like a conversation.

Glenda Funk

I love the humor in your poem today. Yesterday’s flower poem was so reverent, and this is such a fun contrast. Yes, *exhausted* and yes to “making more poetry.”

Stacey L. Joy

Hi Joanne,
I felt the flow and fun of each line. I am in awe that you just finished 31 days of poetry and you’re back here for another 30! Impressive! Keep writing…

#Even when it doesn’t make sense


Maureen Y Ingram

#Enthusiastic to be here
Isn’t this the truth!! Your poem has tremendous enthusiasm, much more powerful I think than your exhaustion. Fun month ahead!

Susan O

I love your enthusiasm, Joanne. It is inspiring for me. I hope I can write each day in April and maybe continue on doing it like you say “Never stopping.”

Fran Haley

I know that always moving and never stopping, not ever, is the TRUTH about you, Joanne! Your poems always make sense, by the way. And this one is too fun to read – love how you used both of your beautiful, poetic names. 🙂


Wow, I’m intrigued on numerous levels! But love #sleepwalkinglistmaker the most. And the pickleball rage has hit these parts en masse….I do love a good pickle, though. Happy #VerseLove!

Kim Johnson

Sarah, did someone eat the ears off the rabbit and you got blamed for it? I keep seeing the image of a sleepwalking list maker writing: buy more chocolate bunnies and that sleepwalker taking a bite of those ears with a replacement plan in writing. I love all of these phrases about you and wonder about the bird whistles – I, too, will isolate after a party……if I even go in the first place. Thank you for this community space so we can all get to know each other better.

Denise Krebs

Sarah, so many stories of your life here. I love the intrigue, as Bryan mentioned. Maybe we will see expansive poems about each line this month.

Glenda Funk

Wut? You killed a bunny? 😱 All others make perfect sense given what I know about you.

Maybe, the lawn mower rolled over their underground tunnel. I think it disturbed their home. The next day, I saw a dead little one in the area where I mowed. Terrible.

Maureen Y Ingram

That second line demands a story – “#allegedbunnyslaughterer Oh my! Sarah, it is so wonderful to be back here! Thank you for this fabulous month!

Fran Haley

“Alleged bunny slaughterer,” Sarah?? Whaaaat? I cannot imagine the story behind this! But, I might well be a sleepwalking list maker myself, just saying…

Leilya Pitre

Sarah, I can imagine you as a sleepwalkinglistmaker, but bunnyslaghtere–no way. Maybe, there was a wild cat walking around? Sometimes, they chase bunnies too.

Susie Morice

Hi, Sarah — I loved each of your description lines. The “bunny slaughterer”… I felt that… have been there. The “bird whistle “ line brought levity along with each of these truths. Sure is a treat that you’ve organized this incredible forum for all these terrific voices. Thank you! Susie


Thanks for the fun prompt to ease us into this wonderful month of Verse Love!
Your poem captures such diverse things about you! I love the #introvertbyDNA!


#salty because school is in session today
#uncertain of my college sports allegiance
#still hate Purdue but impressed by their play and happy for my guys
#anticipating three minutes and eleven seconds of totality next Monday
#need to climb off the teeter-totter about retirement

~Susan Ahlbrand
1 April 2024

Sarah J. Donovan, PhD (s/her)


Oh, I love seeing the range of topics in this acrostic. What a way to close the poem — that cliff or teeter-tottering about retirement. I suspect you will know your answer by the end of Verselove. Or is there a deadline?


Kim Johnson

Susan, I’m so sorry you have school today. I’m salty for you about that. Around Easter, I wish they would give us Good Friday and all the following week. We didn’t get Good Friday, but we are out this week. That last line has me cheering for you – – oooh, so much to think about there. I am anticipating that day of eclipse, but I’m anticipating retirement even more…..several more years, though……love your poem!

Denise Krebs

Susan, what a great title. It shows how we are developing and different every day. In a week or two, your acrostic would be a totally different one. Enjoy the eclipse! That’s exciting. We’ll hardly notice it here. All the best as you decide about retirement.

Glenda Funk

You and Barb are such college sports devotees. That’s something I’ll never understand, so I just cheer for the teams my friends love. You’re gonna get a lot of the eclipse, aren’t you? Don’t hesitate on the retirement. The downhill is a slide in terms of years passing.

Maureen Y Ingram

I love how your hashtags really share where you are at right now, what is on your mind…yay to “#anticipating three minutes and eleven seconds of totality next Monday

Fran Haley

Susan, I’m salty about school being session today, too! Last night I dreamt that I told a colleague I wasn’t coming back next year because I’m over it (!!). I am laughing about the college post allegiance issue – this is serious business around my house. My oldest is an NC State grad and is over the moon with last night’s win. The eclipse -! Yes! I so loved following these threads of all that’s on your mind today. I can so relate to every one.



#Bagel it up, hash brown head
#read a poem, write through the dread –
#you only live once, so get out of bed. Up & 
#at ‘em, and listen to Right Said Fred…
#neanderthal nincompoop, nothing like Ann Burg’s Flooded.

#Ripley, believe it or not, I’m related to Prudence Crandall,
#i am kin to Reuben, too (France Scott Key, total scandal)…
#proud of democracy (the kind bigots can never handle),
#let life light my scrumdiddlyumptious candle,
#evolving as I do (at times I’m a debacle)
#you only live once, so I eat more wiener schnitzel.

#Crazy to be back for yet another year
#rallying these hashtags with Kim (wait a second, hold my beer),
#always a pleasure to scribble (still sitting in my underwear)
#new month, new day, yes, another poem to puppeteer…
#day one of #verselove, this poetic exposphere,
#and here we our again, bringing one another our brilliant cheer…
#living and laughing, tap-dancing across this page…
#loving this community and thrilled (once again) to share another stage.


Whoops. Forgot to say, “THANKS FOR THE DAY ONE PROMPT, KIM!” Yes to new adventures (and rescuing our furry friends)


I could feel the poetic warm-up gathering momentum with each stanza. Loved how the second stanza zoomed out a bit to offer readers a little bio, and I am struck by how this poem is a series of seeds for poems that you/we might explore in the days to come. So grateful to have you and your words with us this month.


Joanne Emery

Good way to start my morning – with laughter! Your poem gives everyone permission to PLAY! Thanks

Kim Johnson

Bryan, what absolute fun! Whenever there’s a hold my beer, how can this not be the best part ever? Thank you for drawing on the fun of community spirit and all getting to know each other. I love these lines so, so much:
#and here we our again, bringing one another our brilliant cheer…
#living and laughing, tap-dancing across this page…
#loving this community and thrilled (once again) to share another stage.

Cheers for the journey of April as we get on the road and chase the sunshine in poetry!

Cheri Mann

Before I saw your picture, I saw the “Bryan” and thought, Is that my Bryan? and, indeed, it is. So I glad I saw your post inviting me to this. Help keep me honest, and writing, this month! “living and laughing, tap-dancing across this page” screams Bryan.

Maureen Y Ingram

This is truly a poem! Impressive to throw yourself wildly into all three of your names…and the result makes me chuckle so. It’s going to be a fun month!


Wow! Bryan! What an introduction. Thank you for sharing this with us. It will be fun to meet you here in writing this month. I like the fun in the line you ask us to hold your beer. Comradery at best, right?!

Fran Haley

Bryan, this is TOO.MUCH. FUN. to read – every scrumdiddlyumptious line! Your poem is a marvel. Really and truly.


Jeesh, Bryan . . . you overachiever! This is flat dynamite! Whereas mine sounds like random hashtags forced by the letters of my name, yours is lyrical and wonderful, telling a story and not in the least random or choppy! Kudos!

Wendy Everard

Bra. VO!
Fave line:
“let life light my scrumdiddlyumptious candle”

and I loved the hip-hop feel of this. ❤️


Kim, this was so fun! I am so going to use this with my classes in the fall!
What a great way to get to know our members and to get to know each other again. 🙂
An interesting consideration: Was I going to count “hashtag” as a syllable? I decided on not. Loved your poem — I also love the outdoors and adventures!


#Writer of verses
(Not shocking, I’m here!)
#English Teacher of students
(Teenagers?  No fear.)
#Nascent artist…but, please…
(It’s been years since I’ve drawn)
#Dog and cat mom of many
(But most recent pup…gone)
#Years to retirement:
(Three!  Should I go?)
#Everyone’s mom
(Will I miss those kids, though!)
#Vines and their fruit
(Yep, I love a good Reisling)
#Early riser and walker
(Love the sun when it’s eastling)
#Renewed church attendance
(Getting back to my faith)
#A summer’s day summons me
(In warmth, love to bathe)
#Rocker and roller
(Music:  Can’t get enough)
#Digging in dirt
(I’m a gardening buff.)


So creative, Wendy. Haven’t had a good Riesling in forever. Need to try again. And I love the way you’ve used “eastling”. Awesome getting to know more about you 🙂


Fun pattern here with the bolded hashtag and then parenthetical elaboration. This is a great form for students to make a claim and then add commentary. I loved learning more about you from faith to music to gardening. Each a seed for another poem.


Joanne Emery

I love the idea of parentheses for the details! And we have a lot in common! This is a wonderful way to get to know people!

Kim Johnson

Wendy, so many words with personal appeal: retirement, riesling, faith, artist, dog, writer, verses……and the rhyme scheme with the parenthesis gives this poem a little digging for more after each hashtag and a rhyme and rhythm all its own. Spectacular! I’ve been working on rhyme scheme, stepping out of my other verse boxes, but you and others seem to pull this off more flawlessly than I do!

Maureen Y Ingram

Impressive rhyming throughout…I am sweet on “#Everyone’s mom” – this is so very dear.

Fran Haley

Wendy, I looked everywhere for Screamin’ Chainsaw Chick! Just kidding. I loved that so much…but this, this is an absolute delight. The acrostic interlaced with the fabulous rhyming works beautifully to show us more of who you are…I lingered a while on “nascent artist”. That’s just gorgeous. I drew a little possum recently and my older granddaughter was astonished. Yeah – it’s been awhile since I’ve drawn, too. The lines that really got me here were the lost pup (nooo…I’m sorry) and the return to your faith – this brought tears to my eyes. I celebrate it. I’m so glad you’re here:)

Wendy Everatd


Dave Wooley


This is such a cool use of parenthesis! I really like the rhyme pattern that you set up and the call and response feel to the poem. I too feel the summoning of summer!

Wendy Everatd


Leilya Pitre

This is so cool, Wendy! I love your formatting and extension of the hashtags in parenthesis. I have difficulty choosing the favorite line, but can closely relate to #Everyone’s mom. Thank you for sharing your poem.

Susie Morice




Susie Morice, April 1, 2024


#inandoutoflovewithmyself” true that. Thanks for sharing more about yourself with your last name too, Susie! love your title also.


The #inandoutoflovewithmyself gave me pause as I read your poem. It caused me to start over and reread. I see the progression within and through each line as a commitment or choice to being. All the gerunds (ings) are in motion, evolving, ongoing.


Joanne Emery

I love your title #Susiestill! I am trying to remind myself every day to rejoice in what’s good!

Kim Johnson

Susie, your repetition of still is just right – not overdone, not underdone. I like the feeling of continuing it brings. And your title – – you are still Susie! I love it all, but especially the line owningfoiblesandtruths. This is a line I can pocket and run around with. I think I need it on a t-shirt. A colleague came to work on Good Friday with a watercolor rabbit t-shirt, and I opened my Facebook and showed her your amazing watercolor bunnies. I love them.

Glenda Funk

I love this poem, and I’ve missed you something fierce. Every line here could be about my life. This growing old is just a f*cking hard struggle, so I’m honing in on a couple of lines that stand out to me on a very personal level: #inandoutoflovewithmyself

Jennifer Guyor Jowett

Susie, the evolution of you is evident in these lines and one we can all relate to. The idea of “colliding yesterdays with tomorrows” especially hits hard as it takes me great effort to not carry too much of the past with me while still recognizing it to improve and grow. What a powerful poem you’ve given us today, encouraging us to endure, evolve, and try.

Maureen Y Ingram

Absolutely precious line, “#missingyou” Oh my.

Fran Haley

Susie, this strikes me as a celebratory poem, full of gratitude and acceptance (“in and out of love with myself”/”owning foibles and truths”) – even when that might be hard (“missing you”). That little line pierces. The poem is beautiful. I so love the being surprised by each day and rejoicing in what is good; this is how I strive to live also. You are such an encouragement!

Barbara Edler

Susie, your powerful personality and determination shines through in your poem. Love how you open your poem and the celebration of what is good is powerful. I feel your strength and focus on what is good throughout this. Glad to see you:) Hugs, friend!


This reveals so much about you as an individual, yet it also feels very universal. I love how you capture the constant teetering we experience with how we feel about ourselves and life. It’s so filled with hope and I just love it.

Scott M

I love the “still”s (in you and) in your poem, Susie, and the hope they bring! “#stilltryinghard” and “#enduringdespiteitallstill” and “#evolvingstill”! Thank you for this!

Gayle Sands

Gayle Sands



Kim–no time to do anything but throw this together–will comment later. What a great start to the month!

Susie Morice

Gayle – This is sooooo honest and familiar to me. We could’ve written this together. Ha! When I first read line 3, I laughed at myself cuz I wondered what a “butthat” was! LOL! Neat window to Gayle Sands! Thanks, Susie


I loved this line that made me laugh:


And I related to this line:


Loved this optimism of:


And, boy, what is it with menopause that has made THIS true?


#Loved this poem!


“#Neverdoingjustonething” – definitely, these days it’s never reading just one book, more like back and forth between 4 at any given time 🤪 love that you smushed your words together too!


Wait you managed to get butt, hip, and ass in one line? Props.

gayle sands

I am so much more pleased with my poem now that you pointed that out!!!🤣

Kim Johnson

Gayle, I am cheering all of this, but especially the L. The N, too. And OF COURSE dogs and cats are people too! I love all that went into this and I’m laughing at Angie’s comment with the 3 things in one line – – I hadn’t noticed on first reading, but now it’s like red font that won’t let me stop chuckling. I love what you’ve done here. I’m glad you kept your words smooshed together like a real hashtag because in this case the butthat not but that is a real charmer!

Jennifer Guyor Jowett

Gayle, you always make me laugh – I, too, love to eat and long for thin to return but alas… those wishful glasses just aren’t helping. Love this!

Maureen Y Ingram

I am in love with “#Yearnsfororganization,butthatshiphassailed” – I think because it yells ‘butt’ and ‘ass’ lol …it had me chuckling. Organization is a pain in the …


Gayle! I need an N in my name! I’m never doing just one thing either. Glad to meet you here this month in writing.

Fran Haley

Gayle! This was a delight to read. By line three, I was laughing. I love all of it, and “never doing just one thing” strikes a familiar chord with me – but the last line is my favorite of all.

Margaret Simon


#Mother of three strong women
#Ask me to dance
#Romantic hopelessly
#Grandmother of four potential difference-makers
#Artist of poetry
#Reserved until I trust you
#Early riser
#Teacher of gifted children

Kim Johnson

Margaret, the you I know is right here for all of us to see, shining through in your words. I know you as a dancer, as a mother and grandmother, as an artist, a teacher, and poet. I suspected you were an early riser, and the new knowing of you is that you are reserved until trust, and that is so, so important to guard our spaces with the choice of whether to proceed in revealing more or think through and wait. I love the deeper things I’m learning today.


Margaret, this is so lovely! My favorite line because of its hopefulness:

#Grandmother of four potential difference-makers

Loved this, and happy April 1st!


I love “#Reserved until I trust you”. And the switch in “#Romantic hopelessly” <3

Joanne Emery

Margaret – I know all of this about it from your blogging, and it’s nice to see it listed here in poetry from. I connect with – “reserved until I trust you.” I have had to cultivate that in myself. I was more of a Golden Retriever type – lunging at anymore who wanted to play!

Maureen Y Ingram

#Ask me to dance” – that is absolutely wonderful!

Fran Haley

Margaret, you ARE an artist of poetry, and of life! I am also “reserved until I trust you”. I celebrate your family along with you, and all the work of your hands and heart – it makes a difference to us all – trust me. 🙂

Jennifer Guyor-Jowett

Kim, thank you for this #newpromptventure – I’m saying yes too! Such a fun way to begin our time together, delving into names to uncover and discover. While writing today, I randomly fell upon the word nexible, which means anything able to be bound or tied. I love all the learning that happens here.



Kim Johnson

Jennifer, your rhymes add a whole new layer of dimension to the hashtag acrostic. My jaw hit the floor and I thought to myself, “Jennifer’s done it again.” This is just fun and while it’s whimsical, it’s also sensical. I like #everyone’s disclosing – – that line captures the essence of getting to know each other at the beginning of our April journey….as it (un)closes (very AliceinWonderland effect with the unbirthday – – you rocked the prompt!

Margaret Simon

I love how you made this prompt into something different with your -osing words. Let’s rejoice together for April’s unclosing!

Susie Morice

Jennifer – Your wordplay is super engaging. After I read it, I wished I’d written it. Today, I am “rejoicing“ in your words. Thank you, Susie


Love the word-play, Jennifer, and I(uh)oh(so) love your parenthetical brilliance. Here’s to the month!


Jennifer! This was truly amazing. Love your word combos and the meaning they underscored (#EchoismSupposing) and loved the ending:


Inspired rhyming!


Haha loved lingering on these a while to figure out the meaning. The word wizard strikes again! 😀

Maureen Y Ingram

Love how these hashtags rhyme – very impressive, you upped the challenge!
Yes, this prompt is great for getting to know each other.

Fran Haley

Jennifer, you’re ever the artist, with your ear so fine-tuned to sound and beats. I love this new word, nexible. And every single line here. My favorite: ForeverNowKnowing.

Keith Newvine

What a great way to use poetry to learn more about our students and talk with them about the power of hashtags on social media! Thanks for this idea. Definitely going to use it in the future.



Jennifer Guyor-Jowett

Keith, haha! I innately and purposely live that second stanza. There can never be too many books (or bookstores). You had me with the first line, which makes me ponder all that we are “keepers” of.

Kim Johnson

Keith, you have a palindrome middle name! How cool is that?? And I love the way the letters worked together to bring us humor – the endless fascination of books – I call my book addiction the expensive golfing hobby I never had. And taking a breath…..such a fantastic reminder in the middle of it all to stop and take a breath and then to hang onto the second line….more breath is on the way!

Margaret Simon

Ha! I enjoyed the book stanza. I am also “eventually retired” but not yet, not yet, not yet….

Bryan Ripley Crandall

Welcome, Keith. Thrilled to see you here. Those that know you best know #neverenoughbooks is more like it – so you’re conclusion is perfect…love to see you taking advantage of the #verselove healing!


I loved the way that this line read both literally (ugh! northeast clouds) and figuratively to me in on the heels of your comments about being inspired by youth:


The second stanza made me chuckle, and the lack of punctuation made it read even funnier. Loved this!

Maureen Y Ingram

Those last four lines, ha! You just can’t say no to a book.

Fran Haley

Keith, I love this perfect play on (re)tired! The “Otto” lines could so be EXACTLY me, too – if only my name were Otto. Alas.Still describes me anyway – what’s “enough” books?? I read your comment on my poem, about your cardinal whistle – that’s fascinating!

Sandra Stiles

I love your whole last stanza. That is so me. Can we ever have enough books?

Clayton Moon

Thank you Kim for a cool prompt- your awesome!




Jennifer Guyor-Jowett

Clayton, I’m especially drawn to those last two lines, as reminders that we need to get up and do, go, live. The excuses seem to pile on themselves (even now I’m contemplating lounging on my first spring break day over all that I could choose to live in). Your poem is the perfect nudge to delve in and soar!

Kim Johnson

Clayton, I like the repeated Onto in your O letters. It brings about the sense of urgency to get on with the living of life, to find the rhyme, soar with the spirit, and live the life. Ontobetter rhymes is one that inspires me to do more of the writer’s thinking throughout the living of the days, to really and truly think with the mind of a writer. Even in the busy times.

Margaret Simon

I wonder what young but old really means as I am feeling old but old these days. I’ll hold onto living with no excuses.


I loved the hopefulness of this. I also loved the ambivalence of the title and how naming is a thread I’m tracing through here. Beautiful, mysterious vibe to this.

Maureen Y Ingram

#Youngbutold” – love it. I tried & failed to write something about this in mine; we are as young as we feel.

Fran Haley

Boxer, my favorite hashtags here are lyrical and onto better rhymes…living the poetic life!


Hi Kim! Thanks for kicking off Verselove with an “easy” but meaningful prompt! I took some inspiration from your introvertedbyDNA line. Yay to adventures!

Fran Haley

Angie, I love the notebook paper image for sharing your poem – perfect! You have me chuckling over “not necessarily nice but always helpful” – #trueconfessions, lol. I didn’t manage to work in “introverted” like you and Kim did – but, yup, me, too. Like you I am extroverted with the students. Your citizen of the world line fascinates me; so much story there. So good to “see” again here for the daily challenge!

Kim Johnson

Angie, you begin with an angel! What a gorgeous first name – Angelica. Your notebook paper is a wonderful way to inspire students to want to follow suit and do this with their own names. I like that at the end you worked in all the people you are, all the roles you have in relationships to others. The connectedness helps me see the extended people in your life. And I must know more about this 52 book club, too. That tells me you are a voracious reader.


Oh I thought you did 52 book club but it’s Book Girls’ Guide, huh? Do it! https://www.the52book.club/. I started in 2022!

Jennifer Guyor-Jowett

Angie, there are so many relatables in your verses today – adventure seeker, life-long learner, classroom extrovert/everywhere introvert… I’m reminded again of how much more people the world over have in common than different – something I hope kids discover during our days together.


Angie, loved this! I could relate to a lot of these — adventuring, a love of learning — and thanks for introducing me to the 52 Challenge — Googles it immediately!
I loved the form of this — how your lines got longer as you went on…gave it a nice sense of building.

Maureen Y Ingram

“not necessarily nice but helpful” – I admire the straightforwardness of this!


Just wow! And how I love


Fran Haley

Kim, what a great way to kick off this “new adventure” of VerseLove! A fun modern spin on an ancient form. I adore acrostics. Your “you-nique” Kimness shines through your poem – I feel the energy radiating from it. Thanks for welcoming us with this today! I decided to use my favorite variation of my name – what my granddaughters call me.

#HeyY’all – #ThisIsMe



Hi Fran! Love “#nowletmelookthatup” and “#HeyY’all” haha. Franna is an awesome grandma name!

Linda Mitchell

#finchologist–but of course. Wonderful! I might have to borrow “aweseeker. I love that. Well done.

Keith Newvine

Finchologist?!?! LOVE IT! Like you, I have my favorite bird and bird call. It may have even gotten me my current job when I “impressed” the President of my school with my cardinal call!

Margaret Simon

I wish I had thought to use my grandma name! I’m with you on #rise&write. Let’s have #anothercupofcoffeeplease together, OK?

Kim Johnson

Of course you used Franna – – your favorite name of all! Right out of the gate, I love the way you worked your front door wreath of eggs into the poem, the returning finches and their family of littles – – I am still waiting on my bluebirds to take action, but so far nothing. The rise&write is so true of you, and the onelittleword for 2024 is in the A space. What I love about this day is seeing all the things I have come to know about writers, but learning new things, too – and for those who are coming in to VerseLove for the first year, I’m excited for us to share who we all are and excited to see who our new writing friends are too!

Susie Morice

Fran — I loved the “finchologist” especially. Each line=someone I’m happy to share words with here on Ethicalela.



Fran, you had me from the title!
I feel like if we lived closer, we would be friends irl, lol.
Thanks for THIS beautiful word: “finchologist” (had to look that one up), and I’m wondering what you do that makes you one…
Lovely (re)introduction!

Joanne Emery

Hey Fran! Finchologist! I still have to get my bluebirds and finches sorted out! And I’m trying to adopt your “rise and write” approach!

Stacey L. Joy

I love all of this and I’m about to make my #firstcupofcoffee so thanks for the nudge!

#aweseeker means you see all the beauty others miss!


Maureen Y Ingram

#nowletmelookthatup – love the endless curiosity & love of learning that shines through in that line

Leilya Pitre

Hi, Fran! So good “to meet” you again here! Every line here tells a lot, and I love “aweseeker” so much. This “#anothercupofcoffeeplease” is so relevant to me as well. Thank you!

Denise Krebs

Fran, oh, wow. So much magic here. I love every line. Rise and write! Yes!

Sandra Stiles

I have my students write acrostic poems each year to begin our poetry unit. I think they will enjoy this type of acrostic.Your poem shows you as a very outdoorsy type of person. Loved it.

##Let Me Introduce Myself##

Fran Haley

Hi, Sandra! I am captivated by your first line – it’s so interesting to me to find people who still enjoy sewing. My mother was a seamstress when I was growing up. I, too, like to draw but don’t do it as often as I should. All your lines speak to creativity, creating, making…summed up perfectly in your last line, “artist at heart.”


Hi Sandra, love “#artistatheart” aren’t we all in one way or another. I actually love to see all the different types here!

Linda Mitchell

Nice to meet you too! Sewing enthusiast—you’ve got my attention. I’ve always been too afraid to sew. But, once I started crafting with paper have started. What do you sew?

Sandra Stiles

Quilts, Barbie clothes, prefer crocheting Barbie clothes, bookmarks. Decorations. What ever hits my fancy.

Kim Johnson

Sandra, thank you so much! It’s the acrostic for the social media generation. I see we love so much of the same – sewing, reading, writing, art. Just from the letters in your name and what you did with each, I can tell that if we were starting a year in a classroom, I’d hope to be sitting next to you.

Sandra Stiles

That means so much. I have been teaching 31 years and want to do nothing more than inspire my students to read and write for fun.


Your poem sings directly to my heart. I love that you’ve published two books! Willing to share what they are?

Sandra Stiles

“Steps to Courage” is available on Amazon. The second book I pulled rights back from the publisher as they were not promoting it. “Seventy Times Seven.

Stacey L. Joy

Welcome, Sandra! I love how diverse your creativity is! I wish I could say I sew, write, and draw! I am only confident in one of those three. 😆

You’re someone special!

Sandra Stiles

I’ve used sewing in my classroom since a year after 9/11. Love to draw. Not real great but it is soothing. At one point owned a ceramic shop and I paint, also not real great.

Maureen Y Ingram

#drawtorelax – love this! Do you draw before/alongside writing poetry? That is cool!

Sandra Stiles

I have my students create a poetry book every year and I do the same. We illustrate them. I had a tiff with a teacher who refused to leave my room until she told me why she was mad at me. I went home, sat in my swing, drew a tree with branches and wrote a poem where each branch and crook had an emotion to it both negative and positive. When I finished it I was no longer irritated.

Linda Mitchell

LOL…kayak flipper is such a great way to start. You had me smiling before anything else! Also, this is a fun way to start poetry month…an introduction, a start–fresh start. Bravo, Kimberly!


#L  ionhearted daughter, big sister, and aunt
#I   interests include papers and books
#N  ods off in meetings –give her nudge
#D  aily writing is her dish
#A  lways planning her next trip


A dish of daily writing … nice!

Sandra Stiles

I laughed at “Nods off in meetings-give her nudge”. Nice to meet you Linda.

Fran Haley

Linda, love how you separated the initial letter from the rest of the line and spaced your words. The alliteration sparkles. -“Nods off in meetings – give her a nudge”- lol! I feel this one, friend!

Keith Newvine

I felt seen with the Nods off in meetings!

Kim Johnson

Linda, the daily writing is where my mind lingers, and that you used it as a dish says so much about how it sustains – even as food does on a plate – even just a few minutes each day on a routine that works is nourishment.

Margaret Simon

I love that you are planning your next trip. Can I go?

Susie Morice

Linda— The “nods off” gave me a giggle.. love the honesty! Susie


Linda, loved this!

#N ods off in meetings –give her nudge
Um…yes. I can relate. XD

Loved the flippiness of this line:

#D aily writing is her dish

(Yep — flippiness. That was just how it felt.)

And my kids and I are always planning our next trip, too! Glad to (re) meet you in this way. 🙂

Joanne Emery

Linda – You made me smile! Nods off in meetings – give her nudge. I have been known to do that! Meetings should never be 2 hours and never start at 3:30pm! What are they thinking?!

Stacey L. Joy

You have captivated me! I’m surprised that you are “lionhearted” but also “nods off in meetings” as well as a planner of trips! Somehow the combination surprised me. I love it all and would smile at you nodding off in meetings. My bestie does it every Tuesday and I poke her gently with my finger in her side. LOL.

Maureen Y Ingram

Nods off in meetings – give her nudge! Ha! Love the self-awareness and total acceptance of this. Sweet!

Denise Krebs

Linda, so fun! I laughed at the N line! Yes, we need others to give us a nudge when we nod off. So much fun about you here.


#Daring to be
#Original, but still
#Time to
#Rehearse with

Sandra Stiles

Nice Kevin. Glad you “dare to be original”

Fran Haley

Love how you turned the acrostic into a story-poem, Kevin. We all need to be “gathering time” for the things we love most.

Linda Mitchell

Ooooooh! I like how you have enjambment going on here.

Keith Newvine

Gathering Time. Good name for a (saxophone) album.

Kim Johnson

Kevin, I see you used your Dogtrax name (this is your blog, right?). Indeed, you are in the topmost of originals, with your musical style and unique voice. I like the Gathering Time. I t can see gathering as the adjective or as the verb you wrote it as here, and it is beautiful even as I pull it apart and think of it as a time of gathering together – – so fitting for the first poem of VerseLove 2024!


And he’s back! Always the earliest writer, but always the latest best thing! sa#ophone. Debuting verse here, and debuting interview skills over there! Here’s to April!


You know it!


Kevin, this read like a haiku: a portrait in miniature, perfectly captured. Nice.


Aw. Thank you!

Stacey L. Joy

Kevin, you are always original, not just in content but in form too! I love this even more for linking it to Dogtrax! I am intrigued! Is it an open writing space??



Hi Stacey
I use that space for my morning poems (and have a blog for other stuff). I hadn’t realized that the hashtags would link back so that’s interesting.

Maureen Y Ingram

Very original! and excellent use of an “X”!

Leilya Pitre

You are original, Kevin! No doubts about that. I am glad you find time to rehearse with a saxophone.