Showing: 11 - 20 of 58 RESULTS
brown house near pine trees covered with snow

Place-Based Writing: Feeling Like They Belong and Proving It by Jolie Hicks

It’s the holidays! During this season, every high school English teacher asks themselves, “How can I fit it all into my curriculum?” Being tasked with reading, writing, speaking, listening, among other skills, English teachers have 180 days to figure out how to best serve all …

person holding lighted sparkler

Critical Love Book Group: A 2022 Resolution to Read More Young Adult Literature

This winter-spring, the OSU Writing Project is offering an online professional development and would like to invite you, even if you are not in Oklahoma, to register for this online experience. Here is the description: For pre-service, inservice, & veteran teachers who love reading and …

man working on laptop while woman takes notes
full frame shot of stadium

Literacy to What End…by Tiffany M Nyachae

Literacy to What End…for Students and Teachers of Color…because Academically, Systemically, and Structurally We Still are Not Saved!? By Tiffany M. Nyachae, Ph.D. When I left the classroom in June of 2013, I found refuge in creating out-of-school spaces for young people to use literacy …

anonymous woman reading book near literature

A Short Note on Open Houses by Jim Hill

I have recently had the joy of attending a back-to-school open house at a rural high school in the southeastern United States. Normally when I write something like that, years of teaching secondary school worm their way into the tone of my writing and the …

please keep your distance inscription on sign during coronavirus pandemic
interior of abandoned building

Combatting Dreams Deferred in English Language Arts by Dr. Stephanie Toliver

Combatting Dreams Deferred in English Language Arts by Dr. Stephanie Toliver In his timeless poem, “Harlem,” Langston Hughes asked, “What happens to a dream deferred?” It was a predictive question, one that asked society to reckon with the institutionally upheld racial injustices experienced by Black …