Showing: 261 - 269 of 269 RESULTS

Pre-Challenge Practice Poem: What advice would you give…

To warm up for our 30-poem celebration (and to test the website), let’s try a pre-challenge poem. Here is today’s poem inspiration but, as always, the prompt is only a suggestion, just poem any way you wish. Inspiration: Imagine you are grown up and have a …

At the Bottom of the River

Anthologies: Limitations in Higher Education

by Elaine Magin Ethical ELA resonates with my own experiences as a teacher who often feels limited by what I’m able to teach in the classroom. Even though this blog is not focused on teaching English language arts in higher education, I am overwhelmed by …

30Poem Blog

Easing into writing poetry and uncovering the power of an open mic

National Poetry Month comes around every April, and it is a time to remember and to celebrate poetry as writers, as readers, as human beings. Most ELA teachers know that reading poems and writing poems go hand in hand. Still, not everyone has uncovered and …

Stanzas & Stories: Write about someone you admire

On Sundays, I invite Ethical ELA friends to do some creative writing — a stanza or story about anything you wish. I will, however, offer some inspiration to get you started: Think about someone you admire. It may be someone you know well or someone …

first steps

Sunday Stanzas & Stories. 10/18. Firsts

Inspiration: Write a list of firsts and how you felt about what happened (e.g., the first time you ate vegetables, your first job, your first overnight, your first house).  Or, write about witnessing someone else’s first (e.g., your child’s first step). Of course, write about …

Grandpa Baiocchi

Sunday Stanzas & Stories, 10/11, Your Heritage

Inspiration:  I certainly recognize this is a sensitive issue, so if you give it a try, tread delicately. A colleague shared some journals his students wrote about how they lost their heritage language- stories of teachers who wouldn’t let them speak Spanish, stories of letters …
