Writing Midterms

Sunday Stanzas & Stories, 9.27

Please watch this five-minute excerpt from Human, a film by Yann Arthus-Bertran, and take a few moments to reflect on what makes us human. Maybe you’ll write a stanza or story inspired by Francine Christophe in the comment section below.

Nikhil Shah

Stanzas & Stories, 9/13

Try a stanza or story inspired by Nikhil Shah. Post yours in the comments section. Here’s mine: Are you dancing with us, Shadows? Does the rain tickle you to move in the rhythm of our steps? We’re happy to have you join us on our …

Conversations about Learning

Creating Conversations for Learning in a Grade-Based World

Kelly Mogk talks about the ethics of writing in schools focused on grades and scores. She says, “When students submit a piece of work to me, my first thought is always the same: First, do no harm. I want to develop writers that can express themselves with ease, and more than that—I want them to see themselves as writers and find joy in the learning.”

Sunday Stanzas & Stories, 8.30

Dixie Keyes from Arkansas State writes, “One consistent creative writing idea that I ease into fluidly, even on a busy day is writing about ‘moments.’ This also challenges me to rethink the day with gratitude and to be more mindful of interactions with everyone. So, I …