Conversations about Learning

Creating Conversations for Learning in a Grade-Based World

Kelly Mogk talks about the ethics of writing in schools focused on grades and scores. She says, “When students submit a piece of work to me, my first thought is always the same: First, do no harm. I want to develop writers that can express themselves with ease, and more than that—I want them to see themselves as writers and find joy in the learning.”

Sunday Stanzas & Stories, 8.30

Dixie Keyes from Arkansas State writes, “One consistent creative writing idea that I ease into fluidly, even on a busy day is writing about ‘moments.’ This also challenges me to rethink the day with gratitude and to be more mindful of interactions with everyone. So, I …

Teacher-Friends: Diane & Sarah

Teaching can feel so lonely at times. Do you have a colleague who is your BFF, who pulls you out from under your desk to make you laugh, who hands you a tissue when you just need to cry, who just inspires you? Diane and Sarah taught together for over a decade, and through a series of email exchanges, they talked about stories, students, and the beauty of teacher-friends.

Sunday Stanzas & Stories, 8.16

Last week, in my Call for Writers,  I invited you to join me on Sundays to do some creative writing. People from all over the country responded- Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Texas, and  Turkey. Thank you for joining me in …

Rethinking Grading

Book Response: Rethinking Grading by Cathy Vatterott

I think this book is really helpful for teachers rethinking grades. Okay. In Rethinking Grading: Meaningful Assessment for Standards-Based Learning, Cathy Vatterott offers a framework for standards-based grading to reflect student progress and learning, and she provides examples from elementary, middle, and high schools. Still, …