
I have an announcement to make

  Dear Sarah,  I’m writing with the good news that your contract for Genocide Literature in Middle and Secondary Classrooms: Rhetoric, Witnessing, and Social Action in a Time of Standards and Accountability has been fully countersigned. Indeed, friends, I have a signed contract to publish my …

A captive audience and 2 minutes

If you had the attention of a thousand students and two minutes, what short film would you select to show and why? In our writing class, I occasionally use short videos to inspire writing, practice a writing skill, or illustrate a literary concept. For example, …

Stanzas & Stories: Write about someone you admire

On Sundays, I invite Ethical ELA friends to do some creative writing — a stanza or story about anything you wish. I will, however, offer some inspiration to get you started: Think about someone you admire. It may be someone you know well or someone …

Some Advice: Sunday Stanzas & Stories.10.25

On Sundays, I post an idea to inspire a little creative writing among Ethical ELA friends. I focus so much on teaching at times that I forget to make time to nurture the being behind-within the teacher. So here is a little inspiration for today: …

The ethics of grades

No Grading: I Think I Did it Wrong

After spending the summer researching assessment and grading, after meeting with colleagues and my principal about facilitating a no-grades classroom this school year, after resisting numbers and letter grades on student work for nearly nine weeks, after countless hours of writing narrative feedback to students …

first steps

Sunday Stanzas & Stories. 10/18. Firsts

Inspiration: Write a list of firsts and how you felt about what happened (e.g., the first time you ate vegetables, your first job, your first overnight, your first house).  Or, write about witnessing someone else’s first (e.g., your child’s first step). Of course, write about …

Grandpa Baiocchi

Sunday Stanzas & Stories, 10/11, Your Heritage

Inspiration:  I certainly recognize this is a sensitive issue, so if you give it a try, tread delicately. A colleague shared some journals his students wrote about how they lost their heritage language- stories of teachers who wouldn’t let them speak Spanish, stories of letters …


Let Them Read Comics by Paul Brzegowy

Why encourage students to read comics in English class? Because reading comics is reading. Because comics are art. Because comics examine humanity and what it means to be vulnerable. Lifetime comic lover Paul Brzegowy talks about the story and art of comics.
