11, Monday. How I “Grade”

In this slice, I show you how I use the school’s grading system to enter standards and features of writing and then give students feedback into the grade system by not entering a grade but by using the comment feature of the SIS grading system. …

10, Sunday. Portfolios and Final Grades

If you want to know more about minimizing grades and points in the classroom, check out https://teachersgoinggradeless.com/. The slideshow in this slice is inspired by Tamara Molina’s slideshow that she uses with her Biology students: https://teachersgoinggradeless.com/2018/05/12/making-conferences-work/. I have written about my ongoing process of minimizing …

9, Saturday. Sometimes all you can do is make lemon squares

In this clip, I talk about teachers’ lives beyond the classroom and how it can be challenging to leave some energy in the tank for family and friends on the weekend. Still, we have to remember the people who support us and make it possible …

8, Friday. Bathrooms & Public Speaking

This is day 8 of the Two Writing Teachers’ Slice of Life Challenge. It is really a writing challenge, but my personal challenge is to capture about 5 minutes of my day as a teacher to illuminate all the tiny, often overlooked decisions teachers make …

7, Thursday. Book Group Day

Today, I take you into our book group discussion day. Students love this day and really look forward to it. We meet every Thursday in the library. Students bring their books and a “literary focus sheet” much like Harvey Daniels’ book group jobs. These are …

5, Tuesday. Story Time for Stress

A heavy cloud filled with buckets of rain waiting to release is hovering above or near students and teachers in the school. As I walk the halls, I dodge the clouds, trying to avoid making a puncture that would drench me, so as I made …

4, Monday. The Drive to School

Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Kelsey, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this forum from Two Writing Teachers. Check out the writers, readers and teachers who are sharing slices of their lives here.

3, Sunday. Play Time

As we took off our socks and shoes, one girl said that even when she is in a bad mood, just getting her feet in the sand takes that all away. She went on to say she read an article about how our feet are …

2, Saturday. Husband and Book Shelves

https://youtu.be/7Ioou5CJfz8 Saturday morning is Dan time. Dan is my husband. Husbands of teachers are amazing, incredibly tolerant and not always patient with their teacher-spouse who answers school emails in bed and wakes up in the middle of night to write a lesson plan and who …