Especially in high school years, we should help young people to discover the power of literature to enable us to experiment imaginatively with life, to get the feel and emotional cost of different adult roles, to organize and reflect on a confused and unruly reality, …
All Children Are All Our Children by Doug Selwyn
Today’s post comes from Doug Selwyn. Doug has been an educator for more than thirty years, the first half as a teacher in K–12 in the Seattle Public Schools and the second half in teacher education, first at Antioch University, Seattle and then for ten …
September: 5/5-Day Challenge
A very special thank you to Anna J. Small Roseboro for her guidance and support during this September’s 5-day writing challenge with teachers. Her website is filled with more resources as are her books. (Check out her new book of poems in English and Spanish …
September: 4/5-Day Writing Challenge
A Spine Poem Today, consider “spine” as a pun, a word with multiple meanings that work in the same setting. Millions of men and women of Hispanic heritage have served as the “spine” or backbone of our nation by assuming the backbreaking and back bending …
September: 3/5-Day Writing Challenge
Inspired by an Artist A native of Detroit, Michigan, I learned early about the art of muralist Diego Rivera, whose magnificent paintings of Motor City history grace the walls of the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA). We had school trips to view the Rivera frescos, …
September: 2/5-Day Writing Challenge
Honor a Leader Consider a 20-21st Century local, state or national leader of Hispanic American descent and write an acrostic poem showcasing the attributes and/or contributions of this leader to your school, community, state or our nation. In the introduction to poem, include a sentence …
September: 1/5-Day Writing Challenge
A Salute to Hispanic Stories Today, I invite you to craft a narrative poem retelling a story written by or about a favorite Hispanic American author. Generally, this would mean a five stanza poem that includes an exposition, rising action, climax, denouement, and resolution. But, …
9/11 in Poems: A Powerful, Low-Stakes, Low-Prep Poetry Experience
Originally published September 17, 2017. “Find a good place to stop in your books,” I say to end our choice-reading time. I finish up a student-reading conference and look around to see students finishing a page, writing a response on a sticky note, stretching their …
Professional Development by Teachers by Vicki S. Collet
Today’s blog post comes from Vicki Collet. Vicki is an associate professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Arkansas whose past experiences include ELA classroom teaching, intervention, instructional coaching, and district leadership. Vicki’s new book, Collaborative Lesson Study, describes her experiences in Lesson …
What do I say exactly in these reading conferences? Four techniques to engage inferences.
So all your students are reading independently during class time. They may have the required textbook open to page 728 to read a Ray Bradbury short story. They may all have their own choice-reading books because you just returned from the library (if your school …