November #openwrite, thanks


Day 1, Inspiration Much obliged. Appreciation. Gratitude. Acknowledgement. Recognition. Blessing. Grace. Praise. In my little corner of the world, I have been filling up my days and nights with incessant to-do lists, projects, and non-stop scrolling to keep myself from feeling what I know is …

141 writing ideas ethical ela

141 Ways to Play, Process, Stretch, Express, Disrupt Words and Form

The 141+ ways offered here are merely suggestions — not rules. In a writer’s world, a suggestion is an invitation to play with the idea, stretch into new ways of seeing the word and the world (Freire), express dormant emotions or silenced perspectives, and even disrupt standardized words, syntax, and form by inventing new words, fracturing expectations, and inventing forms.

Ways of Looking Ethical ELA

October #OpenWrite: Ways of Looking

Our #OpenWrite Host Susan Ahlbrand had been teaching 8th grade English/language arts for 32 years in the small southern Indiana town of Jasper.  In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, and spending time with her husband and four kids. Inspiration A …


October’s #OpenWrite: Tritina

Our #OpenWrite Host Susan Ahlbrand had been teaching 8th grade English/language arts for 32 years in the small southern Indiana town of Jasper.  In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, and spending time with her husband and four kids. Inspiration As …

Take a Word for a Walk (Ethical ELA)

October’s #OpenWrite: Take a Word for a Walk

Our #OpenWrite Host Anna J. Small Roseboro, a National Board Certified Teacher has over four decades of experience in public, private schools and colleges, mentoring early career educators, facilitating leadership institutes, in five states. She has served a director of summer programs and chair of …

Allusions with Ethical ELA

October’s #OpenWrite: Allusion

Our #OpenWrite Host Anna J. Small Roseboro, a National Board Certified Teacher has over four decades of experience in public, private schools and colleges, mentoring early career educators, facilitating leadership institutes, in five states. She has served a director of summer programs and chair of …

Sports Ethical ELA

October’s #OpenWrite: Bodies in Motion

Our #OpenWrite Host Sarah J. Donovan, Ph.D., is the founder of Ethical ELA. She is a former junior high language arts teacher of fifteen years and current assistant professor of secondary English education at Oklahoma State University. She is the author of Genocide Literature in …

A place at the table with Laura Shovan on Ethical ELA

September’s #OpenWrite: Tasting a Memory with Laura Shovan

A very special thank you to Barb Edler and Denise Krebs for taking care of writing hearts these past four days and, of course, to all of you for being here, for bearing witness to one another’s lives with such respect and compassion. Our next …

Open Write with Ethical ELA

September’s #OpenWrite: Magic-9

Our #OpenWrite Host Denise Krebs has been writing poetry with students for decades. However, last April was the first time she joined other teachers in a poetry-writing community, the first time she embraced the practice herself. Denise holds a master’s degree in elementary education with …

September Open Write with Ethical ELA

September’s #OpenWrite: News and New

Our #OpenWrite Host Denise Krebs has been writing poetry with students for decades. However, last April was the first time she joined other teachers in a poetry-writing community, the first time she embraced the practice herself. Denise holds a master’s degree in elementary education with …