by Johnny Allred, Ph.D. In my third year as a high school English teacher, my school purchased a few carts of Chromebooks to be shared across the school. If any teachers wanted to use them, we had to reserve the Chromebooks in advance, track down …
Embrace Your “Why” #WhyIWrite
Welcome to day 5 of the October open write for educators and the National Day On Writing and #WhyIWrite! We are so glad you are here. A very special thank you to Anna J. Small Roseboro, Cara, and Andy Schoenborn for inspiring our writing and …
Reflections of Hope in “My Mother’s Eyes”
Welcome to day 4 of the October open write for educators! We are so glad you are here. Read the inspiration, process, and mentor poem below, and then scroll to the bottom to compose your poem. Please respond to at least three other poets. Inspiration …
Abecedarian Poem
Welcome to day 3 of the October open write for educators! We are so glad you are here. Read the inspiration, process, and mentor poem below, and then scroll to the bottom to compose your poem. Please respond to at least three other poets. Inspiration …
Community, Agency, and Voice: Creating Authentic Writing Opportunities By Celebrating The National Day On Writing
by Destiny Dungey, Anastasia Gustafson, Molly Snyder, and Sarah Hochstetler Why do you write? Who do you write for? These questions are central to the inquiry work we take up as emerging and practicing teachers of diverse writers in a secondary ELA methods course. We …
20/20 Vision Poem
Welcome to day 2 of the October open write for educators! We are so glad you are here. Read the inspiration, process, and mentor poem below, and then scroll to the bottom to compose your poem. Please respond to at least three other poets. Inspiration …
Mixing Them Up Today: Anagram Poetry
Welcome to day 1 of the October open write for educators! We are so glad you are here. Read the inspiration, process, and mentor poem below, and then scroll to the bottom to compose your poem. Please respond to at least three other poets. Inspiration …
Teaching English Language Arts Endorses and Requires a Curriculum based on Critical Race Theory
by Christian Z. Goering, Ph.D., NBCT Anyone with a pulse probably heard the bastardization of the term Critical Race Theory over the past year. In the midst of a fall 2020 semester in which I was discussing how to become anti-racist educators with a group …
We Love Lists
Friends, this is the final day of the September Open Write. Big, big thank you to Barb and Allison for hosting this month, offering such rich inspiration and encouragement along the way. We will be back here in October (16-20) with writing hosts Anna, Cara, …
A Poem to a Student
Inspiration: A Poem to a Student Hannah.James.Kenny.May. I recently wrote a sonnet about meeting a past student in the grocery store and forgetting her name. Like many of you, I have taught thousands of students over the years, and I cannot hold them all firmly …