Ready to start the next stage of your teaching career? If you are thinking about applying to a PhD program, you will need to prepare a few documents. In this video, I talk about 1) the writing sample, 2) letters of reference, and 3) the …

Ready to start the next stage of your teaching career? If you are thinking about applying to a PhD program, you will need to prepare a few documents. In this video, I talk about 1) the writing sample, 2) letters of reference, and 3) the …
Considering a PhD? We’re diving into a topic that’s been on many teachers’ minds: starting a PhD program. If you’re a K-12 teacher thinking about this big step, stay tuned because we’re covering the top 10 things you need to know before you begin this …
Dear Ethical ELA Community, Thank you. Your steadfast support, thoughtful engagement, and shared passion for ethical and inclusive English language arts instruction have shaped this site into what it is today. Ethical ELA is not just a blog; it’s a living, breathing community, one that …
Sarah lives in Stillwater, Oklahoma with her partner Dan who likes to ask, “What did you write about today?” She was a teacher of readers and writers in junior high for 15 years before making her way into teacher education at Oklahoma State University. Sarah …
What is an interactive read aloud? An interactive read aloud is an instructional strategy done whole-class in which the teacher reads aloud a text to the class. What makes it interactive is that the teacher makes intentional pauses for conversation with students about different aspects …
Informational Writers Workshop This writers workshop series focuses on writing a particular mode and genre with students. See other posts within this series such as personal narrative, short story, poetry, and more here. This post is about crafting informational texts. Informational texts can live in …
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Poetry Writers Workshop This writers workshop series includes tutorials on writing a particular mode and genre with students. See the entire series here: personal narrative, short story, poetry, informational, personal argument, research-based argument, interviewing, descriptive paragraph, and comic. This post is about writing poetry. A …
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Short Story Writers Workshop This writers workshop series focuses on writing a particular mode and genre with students. See all the tutorials here: personal narrative, poetry, informational, personal arguments, research-based arguments, interviews, comic, and descriptive paragraph. This post is about short story. A short story …
Personal Narrative Writers Workshop This is one of several posts on teaching writers a particular mode and genre. In this post, I focus on the personal narrative, specifically in prose. A personal narrative is a story, but it can take the form of a photo …
This teacher education blog series about time and calendars is for teachers, graduate students and higher ed faculty balancing expectations of teaching-research-service with expectations of wellness-family-adventure. I offer my efforts to find a sustainable way to navigate decisions that are, in my view, deeply connected …