Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 RESULTS
lecture at the university

The Shape of Academia to Come, Part 3

by Russell Mayo, PhD As I wrote in a previous piece, “In Casino, Out (of Academia),” the vast majority of graduate programs that prepare students for academic careers are long-shot bets akin to those of the craps table. For many recent graduates with a masters …

smiling wizards unite their wand

Characters We Love

A very special thank you to our February Open Write hosts: Donnetta, Stacey, Britt, Amber, and Seana. We are so grateful for your generosity of time and heart in creating these prompts for us and taking good care of our words. We will see you …

photo of two white ducks on water during fog

Inhabiting Life More Fully

This is the Open Write, a place for educators to nurture their writing lives and to advocate for writing poetry in community. We gather every month for five days and daily in April — no sign-ups, no fees, no commitments. Come and go as you …

a hand touching the band aid on person s toe

Healing Hurts

This is the Open Write, a place for educators to nurture their writing lives and to advocate for writing poetry in community. We gather every month and daily in April — no sign-ups, no fees, no commitments. Come and go as you please. All that …

college students going down a concrete staircase

Steady Diet of Adjuncting, Part 2

by Russell Mayo, PhD The academic job market today poses nearly impossible odds for graduate students today. As I discussed in my previous post “In Casino, Out (of Academia),” the gamble of the academic job market makes finding a secure job that pays well nearly …

person jumping photo

Hope Lies Within 

This is the Open Write, a place for educators to nurture their writing lives and to advocate for writing poetry in community. We gather every month for five days and daily in April — no sign-ups, no fees, no commitments. Come and go as you …

invitation card with the inscription tied with ribbon

Show Your Love

This is the Open Write, a place for educators to nurture their writing lives and to advocate for writing poetry in community. We gather every month for five days and daily in April — no sign-ups, no fees, no commitments. Come and go as you …

two female graffiti wall

A Poem for You: Unconstitutional by Stacey L. Joy

“Unconstitutional” by Stacey L. Joy is offered to educators and students as an open resource — free to share and print through Just YA on Open OkState. We invite you to read this poem and listen to the interview (including a reading and discussion about …

chairs in an empty classroom

Leaving Academia for K-12 Teaching, Part 1

Welcome to this Ethical ELA article series on leaving academia for K-12 teaching. Dr. Russ Mayo will offer insight into this process over the next few weeks. Subscribe to the site to receive each installment of this important series. by Russell Mayo, PhD Russell Mayo …

reflection of the woman in the hanging mirror

A Poem for You: Moonscape by Zetta Elliott

“Moonscape” by Zetta Elliott is offered to educators and students as an open resource — free to share and print through Just YA on Open OkState. We invite you to read this poem and listen to the interview (including a reading and discussion about the …