Showing: 1 - 10 of 17 RESULTS
person paying bills

Here’s Where the Financial Strings Come In, Part 5

Leaving Academia for K-12 Teaching, Part 5 by Russ Mayo Welcome back to my series Leaving Academia for K-12 Teaching for Ethical ELA. My previous posts discussed the challenges of finding work as a college professor today. Because of this, I believe that K-12 teaching …

school desk with stationery and backpacks on chairs

Finding the Rhythms as a Teacher-Learner, Part 4

by Russ Mayo So far in my series Leaving Academia for K-12 Teaching with Ethical ELA, I have written about the challenges of making a career in academia today. Since many humanities professors today are committed teachers who are struggling to make a living, my …

lecture at the university

The Shape of Academia to Come, Part 3

by Russell Mayo, PhD As I wrote in a previous piece, “In Casino, Out (of Academia),” the vast majority of graduate programs that prepare students for academic careers are long-shot bets akin to those of the craps table. For many recent graduates with a masters …

smiling wizards unite their wand

Characters We Love

A very special thank you to our February Open Write hosts: Donnetta, Stacey, Britt, Amber, and Seana. We are so grateful for your generosity of time and heart in creating these prompts for us and taking good care of our words. We will see you …

photo of two white ducks on water during fog

Inhabiting Life More Fully

This is the Open Write, a place for educators to nurture their writing lives and to advocate for writing poetry in community. We gather every month for five days and daily in April — no sign-ups, no fees, no commitments. Come and go as you …

a hand touching the band aid on person s toe

Healing Hurts

This is the Open Write, a place for educators to nurture their writing lives and to advocate for writing poetry in community. We gather every month and daily in April — no sign-ups, no fees, no commitments. Come and go as you please. All that …

college students going down a concrete staircase

Steady Diet of Adjuncting, Part 2

by Russell Mayo, PhD The academic job market today poses nearly impossible odds for graduate students today. As I discussed in my previous post “In Casino, Out (of Academia),” the gamble of the academic job market makes finding a secure job that pays well nearly …

person jumping photo

Hope Lies Within 

This is the Open Write, a place for educators to nurture their writing lives and to advocate for writing poetry in community. We gather every month for five days and daily in April — no sign-ups, no fees, no commitments. Come and go as you …

invitation card with the inscription tied with ribbon

Show Your Love

This is the Open Write, a place for educators to nurture their writing lives and to advocate for writing poetry in community. We gather every month for five days and daily in April — no sign-ups, no fees, no commitments. Come and go as you …

two female graffiti wall

A Poem for You: Unconstitutional by Stacey L. Joy

“Unconstitutional” by Stacey L. Joy is offered to educators and students as an open resource — free to share and print through Just YA on Open OkState. We invite you to read this poem and listen to the interview (including a reading and discussion about …