Below are links to assignments I created for the inclusive literature workshop to promote conversation about and across books for reading conferences, book groups, blogs, movies, and speeches. In every case, I tried to use these assignments as ways of entering or continuing a conversation about the human beings we were encountering in our reading and how those reading experiences shaped us as readers and human beings.

Here is a quick 10 minute, partial screencast of the slideshow I shared for the presentation:Illinois Reading Council Session: Inclusive Literature Workshop (PowerPoint).

Here are the links to workshop materials:

 Class Blog with Examples for Book Groups, iMovies, Reflections, Book Talks, and Book Analyses.

Inclusive Literature Book List

Weekly Blog Post Instructions

Book Talk Instructions

iMovie Book Analysis

Book Group Discussion Guide

Daily Reading Exit Slip

Activist Speech Assistive

Activist Examples (This is an article with examples of students’ spoken word presentations.)

Activist Speech Rubric


Some of the questions that emerged from the session were how to work with parents who may be resistant to some of the topics explored in the books.  Kate Messner’s letter to parents is very helpful, “Heading Off Book Challenges.

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